
Stampede Wrestling 1978

1978-02-17 Stampede Wrestling (Hosted by Ed Whalen) [49:16] - Good quality

Bruce Hart & Smith Hart vs 'Gentleman' Jim Custer & Bob Bouchet

Bud Osburn vs. Salvatore Bellomo

Ed Whalen interview with Bud Osburn

Keith Hart & Hubert Gallant vs. Kasavubu & The Cuban Assassin

Ed Whalen interviews with George Wells & Jerry Morrow / Stu Hart & Leo Burke

Leo Burke vs. Mr. Sakurada

Ed Whalen interview with 'Mad Dog' Michel Martel & Mr. Hito

Mr. Hito & 'Mad Dog' Michel Martel [C] vs. George Wells & Gerry Morrow [International Tag Team Championship] - Special Referee - Bobby Burke

Ed Whalen interviews with 'Mad Dog' Michel Martel / Bobby Burke

1978-05 Stampede Wrestling (Hosted by Ed Whalen) [49:42] - Good quality

Alo Leilani & Gama Singh vs John Foley & Sandor Novak

Ed Whalen interview with John Foley (w/ Kasavubu)

Keith Hart vs The General

Ed Whalen interviews with Keith Hart, Hubert Gallant & Paddy Ryan

Dynamite Kid vs Norman Frederick Charles III

Ed Whalen interview with Dynamite Kid

Gilbert Gallant vs Mr. Sakurada (Taped Fist match)

Ed Whalen interview with Mr. Sakurada

Leo Burke [C] vs Kasavubu [North American Heavyweight Championship match] - John Foley is suspended in a cage hanging from the ceiling

Ed Whalen interview with Leo Burke - Burke is attacked by John Foley & Mr. Sakurada

1978-11-12 Stampede Wrestling (Hosted by Ed Whalen) [47:13] - Excellent quality

The Cuban Assassins vs Gerry Morrow & Fighting Hara

Ed Whalen interview with Norman Frederick Charles III

Danny Babich vs John Foley

Ed Whalen interviews with Danny Babich / John Foley

'Big Daddy' Ritter vs Paddy Ryan

Ed Whalen interview with 'Big Daddy' Ritter

Raul Castillo & Fidel Castillo [C] vs Bret Hart & Keith Hart [International Tag Team Championship] - Norman Frederick Charles III interferes leading to the Harts being counted out

Ed Whalen interviews with Bret & Keith Hart / Raul & Fidel Castillo (w/ Norman Frederick Charles III)

Kasavubu [C] vs Alo Leilani [North American Heavyweight Championship match] - John Foley is suspended in a cage hanging from the ceiling

Ed Whalen interview with 'Big Daddy' Ritter / Alo Leilani - Ritter 'congratulates' Leilani on winning the title by attacking him before running away.

1978-12-15 Stampede Wrestling (Hosted by Ed Whalen) [45:21] - Excellent quality

Mr. Hito vs Gerry Morrow

Ed Whalen interviews with 'Big Daddy' Ritter (w/ John Foley) / Minnesota Fats (famous pool hustler)

Dynamite Kid vs Norman Frederick Charles III

Ed Whalen interviews with Dynamite Kid & Bret Hart / Paddy Ryan / Don Gagne

Bret Hart & Keith Hart [C] vs Raul Castillo & Fidel Castillo [International Tag Team Championship]

'Big Daddy' Ritter vs Danny Babich

Ed Whalen interviews with Danny Babich / 'Big Daddy' Ritter (w/ John Foley)

Mr. Sakurada vs Kasavubu [Strap match]

Ed Whalen interview with Stu Hart