
AWA 1974

All-Star Wrestling

1974-08-10 All Star Wrestling (Hosted by Rodger Kent) [40:58] - Good quality

Ivan Putski vs Bill Howard

Larry 'The Ax' Hennig vs Julio Rodriguez

In ring interview with Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens & Bobby Heenan

Ray Stevens & Nick Bockwinkel (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs Jim Brunzell & Greg Gagne - After the match, Bockwinkel & Stevens attack Gagne until Larry Hennig makes the save (babyface turn)

Interview with Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens & Bobby Heenan

Interview with Larry 'The Ax' Hennig

Bull Bullinski vs Pancho Vasquez - Best 2 out of 3 falls

Kenny Jay vs Angel Rivera