ENGLISH - Former FM Alex Salmond pays tribute to 'world's greatest Scot' Sean Connery after his death

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Alex Salmond pays tribute to 'world's greatest Scot' Sean Connery after his death

The former First Minister described his close friend Sir Sean as 'the definitive Bond' after his sad death at the age of 90.

ByLynn Love

  • 15:22, 31 OCT 2020UPDATED15:43, 31 OCT 2020

Former First Minister Alex Salmond has paid tribute to his close friend of thirty years Sean Connery following his death.

The 007 actor's death was confirmed by his family today as tributes poured in from celebrities and heartbroken fans across the world.

Posting on Twitter, Alex Salmond described Sir Sean as 'the world's greatest Scot'.

He wrote: "The world's greatest Scot, the last of the real Hollywood stars, the definitive Bond.

Alex Salmond and Sir Sean Connery had been friends for over 30 years (Image: Alex Salmond Twitter)

" Sean Connery was all of these things but much more. He was also a staunch patriot, a deep thinker and outstanding human being.

"I have had the rare privilege of being his friend for more than thirty years and enjoyed every single moment of his company and talk."

He added: "He was honest and brave and it has been one of the privileges of my life to count him as a friend.

"His sense of irony and humour were legendary as was his love of country.

"'Scotland Forever' wasn't just tattooed on his forearm but was imprinted on his soul."

Sir Seans's son Jason Connery said the 007 actor was surrounded by his loved ones as he died peacefully, while in the Bahamas.

He paid tribute to his dad and said his death was a 'sad loss for all people around the world'.
