The Stargates Speculation to Reality

by Ron Schmidt and collected works by the Pegasus Research Consortium

Greetings Seekers of Truth

Many people have considered the possibility that Star Gates or similar portals have existed in the far distant past, and do indeed exist today. As of yet there is no accepted proof of theses devices existing, however there is a wealth of evidence from many sources that do lead one to believe that this is indeed possible. While it is almost impossible to discuss such a subject without bringing up the possibility of coverup by various groups and agencies, and we will make notes on that possibility from time to time, it is not our intent in this article to scream "conspiracy"

Rather we will present the evidence, add comments based on our opinions, and allow the viewer to draw their own conclusions. It is not our intent to offer "absolute proof" of the existence of Star Gates, but rather present various hypothesis and a wealth of interesting evidence, letting the weight of that evidence carry our point across.

Many people have come up independently with various theories on who made them and when. Rather than duplicate all this research and work, we will offer a brief comment and link you to the work in question.

If anyone out there wants to add something to our project, you can email the webmaster. Unfortunately in our modern world there are many forgeries and hoaxes created and presented as "evidence", and on the other side of the coin there are many more "experts" that try to debunk everything. It is our firm belief that these "experts" do not always know what they are talking about. Many scientific advancements and new discoveries would never have happened if everyone listened to the "experts"

Stargate SG-1 the TV series covers many of the aspects that we consider in the hypothesis. We will be using descriptions from certain scenes and paralleling our evidence and facts in an interesting way. The TV series is very popular and very visual so in this context will be an excellent tool. We are in no way connected with the TV show, its writers and producers, and make no claim that they agree with our viewpoint. Whether or not any material in the show is intentionally portrayed or just plain good science fiction will be explored later in a separate section.

Stargate Discovered?

Why doesn't the NSA want you to see this? Is this the original photo of the Stargate discovery? This image was found on an NSA website by one of our members. Yes it is obviously a Photo Shop creation, but WHY was it on an NSA website? It is questions like this we will explore and more.

Stargates Main Menu

Archeological Evidence

Astronomy Evidence

Interesting Facts

Mystical Evidence

Physical Evidence

Political Connection

Religious Evidence

Scientific Evidence

The Winged Discs

The Technology

PDF File Database

Other Related Works

Sci-Fi Links of Interest

Evidence in Art

Geoglyphs & Petroglyphs


Archeological Evidence:

Astronomical Evidence:

Disclosure and the Real Stargates

Interesting Facts:

Mystical Evidence:

Physical Evidence:

Religious Portals and Gateways

Scientific Evidence:

The Winged Discs:

  • Winged Flying Craft or Angels?

    • Sumerian

    • Persian

    • Egyptian

    • Christian

    • India

    • Incan - (Work in Progress)

    • Mayan - (Work in Progress)

The Technology:

"I have taken the opportunity to update the book and include new theoretical and observational results obtained since the book was first published (on April Fools’ Day, 1988). I have included a new chapter on wormholes and time travel. Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity seems to offer the possibility that we could create and maintain wormholes, little tubes that connect different regions of space-time. If so, we might be able to use them for rapid travel around the galaxy or travel back in time." Steven Hawking from his book "A Brief History of Time"

Political Connection:

PDF File Database:

PDF and DOC Library Database - We have combined all our PDF, etc documents into one database to make it easier to find a document and save duplication of links. This link takes you to the entire Pegasus PDF file database. NOTE: All PDF files are currently offline due to server space. You may request any of these titles via email until we secure a new data storage site

Guest Publications and Contributions:

Other Related Works:

Sci-Fi Links of Interest:

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