Watts' Yawzes Mine

I made a start late in 2012 on a new layout, featuring a simple mine railway in a rocky defile. The layout is called, with the obligatory excrutiating punning name that Gn15 seems to attract, 'Watts' Yawzes Mine'.  

[I had shown links to the Gnatterbox, the Gn15 Forum, where many of these builds were detailed, but the Forum is no longer available and the links don't work.]

The scenic part of the layout was constructed on an Ikea Lack shelf on top of a layer of insulation foam to allow contours below the track level, and layers of the foam to build up the cliff at the back. The 180 degree curves at the ends and the connecting board at the rear were made from bits of wood from the back of the garage.

The Lack shelf with the hardboard backscene and front edge shaped, bent and fixed in place. 

The Gnatterbox forum has the details of the work here  http://forum.gn15.info/viewtopic.php?t=8771

Blocks of insulation foam glued into the scene ready for carving.

The foam carved and coated in coloured acrylic medium. 

The scene finished with textures.

The rear of the layout, showing the two end boards and the connecting piece.

Watts' was exhibited at MOMING'15 at Pewsey on 15th August 2015. The main action area of the layout is shown here, with the entire cast and most of the stock.


Watts' was sold to Barry Weston on 27th September 2015. Barry intends to exhibit the layout from time-to-time, so it hasn't disappeared for ever!                       

There is an album of photos detailing the build here: 


Page created 20 December 2020       Last edited 3 March 2023

The layout with signage and lights, ready for the exhibition.