At Home PE Learning Activities

Please use these resources to continue your physical activity, explore healthy nutrition options, and learn more about living healthy

1) "No Equipment Workouts" and "Heart Rate Log" - Choose a few of the workouts to complete. As you perform the workouts, stop three different time to measure your heart rate. Log and then compare to see where your heart rate fell on the graph.

2) Nutrition- Take a look at the many nutritious meals Here. Take a look at some basic nutritional Information Here. Now choose one of the meals and photograph or videotape yourself preparing the meal for yourself and another person. email this video to your teacher.

3) Reading Log- Take a look at the Journal and search a topic that you find interesting. Read the article and give a 1/2 page synopsis here.

4) Personal Project PE- Motivated to create a workout program designed at meeting specific goals you create? follow the step by step process to create your own Personal Project PE Program

5) VUSD Fit Club- Take a look at the bottom of the page, there you will find weekly challenges and meals we call "Monday Munchies". Feel free to conquer one of the challenges, or prep one of the healthy meals. Once you have completed the activity, email photo or video evidence to your teacher.

6) Exercise log- You are familiar with participating in 400 minutes of activity every 10 days, if you choose to stay active and wish to log your activity, please use this log.

Workout #1


Workout #2


Workout #1


Workout #2




Workout #2


Workout #1


Workout #2
