Found Poem

Post date: Oct 24, 2011 6:59:02 PM

Hi guys,

Thought I'd share my resources for this found poem activity. It's very step-by-step because of the familiarity level of my class, but these might be useful in some way or another!

    1. Watch/ read Langston Hughes "Mother to Son" (YouTube clip here) to talk about how poetry can be used for communication and the flexibility with form (poem doesn't have to rhyme, etc)
    2. Create found poem from "Mother to Son" as a class using the first page of the Found Poem Project document. I'll model the first few steps, and then have students contribute words and phrases to create the final product
    3. Review the Found Poem Guidelines- Transfer skills from practicing found poem to this specific project
    4. Review second page of Found Poem Worksheet, and students will start working on their found poems

See you tonight!
