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WoS - Q 1: Alzaidi, M., Xu, Y., Xu, A. & Szreder, M. (2023). Analysis and computational modeling of Emirati Arabic intonation - A preliminary study. Journal of Phonetics. Volume 98.

WoS - Q 2: Alzaidi, M. (2022). Makkan Arabic does not have post-focus compression: A production and perception study. Phonetica.

WoS - Q 2: Alzaidi, M. S., Xu, Y., & Xu, A. (2019). Prosodic encoding of focus in Hijazi Arabic. Speech Communication. 106, 127-149.

.WoS : Alzaidi, M. (2023-Accepted). Syntax, Phonology of Both? Jordan Journal of Modern Languages  and Literatures

Alzaidi, M.  (2022). The Phonological Ordering Constraint of the Short-Before-Long Preference Tendency in Qassimi Arabic Binomial Phrases: a Quantitative Analysis. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 4(3), 54–75.

Alzaidi, M. (2022). Pitch Accent Distribution and Focus Structure in Taifi Arabic: a Production Study. International Journal of English Linguistics. 12(1).

Alzaidi, M.  (2018). An LFG Analysis of Gapping Constructions in Taif Arabic. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 9(5), 96-99

Alzaidi, M.  (2018). Intonational Patterns of Focus Preposing Constructions in Hijazi Arabic. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 1(2), 76-84.

Alotaibi, Y., Alzaidi, M., Camilleri, M., ElSadek, S. and Sadler, L. (2013). Psychological Predicates and Verbal Complementation in Arabic.  Proceedings of the LFG13 Conference, CSLI Publications Online

Alzaidi, M. (2011) Gapping in Hijazi Arabic: an LFG Approach. In Proceedings of 5th Saudi International Conference, University of Warwick, UK. Also Represented at EGCL 16 Conference: university of Essex.

Alzaidi, M. (2014). Information Structure and Intonation in Hijazi Arabic. Ph.D Thesis. Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex. Examined by External Examiner: DR. Louise Mycock (University of Oxford) and Internal Examiner: DR. Wyn Johnson )

Alzaidi, M. (2010). Gapping and Right Node Raising: an LFG Approach. MA dissertation. Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex

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