
Minh-Tan Pham

Asscociate Professor (Maître de Conférences) , Université Bretagne Sud, IUT de Vannes

Researcher at IRISA (computer science lab)/OBELIX (Machine learning for Earth Observation) team


I received my Master of Engineering and PhD degrees from Telecom Bretagne, Brest, France in 2013 and 2016. I was intern at the Dpt. Geomatics, Laval University, Canada in 2013. From 2016 to 2019, I was post-doctoral fellow at IRISA laboratory, Université Bretagne Sud & Université Rennes 1, France. In 2018, I was invited researcher at TU Berlin (Germany), University of Trento (Italy) and Imperial College London (UK).

Since 2019, I am an Assistant/Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) at Université Bretagne Sud, IUT de Vannes, France. I am also researcher at IRISA lab (OBELIX team). My research focuses on image processing and machine learning applied to remote sensing for earth observation data. 

Since 2019, I am co-chair of the MACLEAN (Machine learning for earth observation) workshop at ECML/PKDD (since 2019) and the MACLEAN action of GdR MADICS (2019-2022). I am Guest Editor of MDPI Remote Sensing and Springer Machine Learning, as well as a member of Editorial Board  of Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier.


Offices:   UBS-IRISA: C107, Bât. ENSIBS, Campus de Tohannic, rue Yves Mainguy - 56000 VANNES, FRANCE

              IUT Vannes - Dpt INFO: B147, 8 rue Michel de Montaigne - 56000 VANNES, FRANCE 

Phone: (+33) 297017298, (+33) 297626434                     Email: minh-tan.pham[at]irisa.fr, minh-tan.pham[at]univ-ubs.fr



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Main research projects:

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