Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth Observation

In Conjunction with the ECML/PKDD 2023

Torino, September 18, 2023

Aims and Scopes:

The vast amount of data currently produced by modern Earth Observation (EO) missions and measurements on the surface has raised new challenges for the Remote Sensing Community and atmospheric modellers. EO sensors can now offer (very) high spatial resolution images with revisit time frequencies never achieved before considering different signals, e.g., multi-(hyper)spectral optical, radar, LiDAR, and Digital Surface Models. 

On the other hand, atmospheric composition and processes are measured on the surface, starting from molecular scale measurements with mass spectrometers, particle counters, and more traditional meteorological instruments. Modern machine learning techniques can be crucial in dealing with such heterogeneous, multi-scale, and multi-modal data.

Some methods gaining attention in this domain include deep learning, domain adaptation, semi-supervised approach, time series analysis, active learning, explainable artificial intelligence, uncertainty quantification, and interactive model building and visualisation. Even though machine learning and the development of ad-hoc techniques are gaining popularity, we still see a significant need for more interaction between domain experts and machine learning researchers. 

This workshop aims to be an international forum where machine learning researchers and domain experts can meet each other to exchange, debate, and draw short and long-term research objectives around the exploitation and analysis of EO and atmospheric data via Machine Learning techniques. Among the workshop’s goals, we want to give an overview of the current machine-learning research dealing with EO and other atmospheric measurement data. On the other hand, we want to stimulate concrete discussions to pave the way to new machine learning frameworks especially tailored to deal with such data.


The non-exclusive list of topics for the workshop includes, to the extent related to the EO and atmospheric procesess: 

The workshop will be held in conjunction with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD) which will be held in Torino from the 18th to the 22nd of September 2023 (official website : It is sponsored by ESA (European Space Agency), AFRIF (The French Association of Pattern Recognition and Interpretation) and  VILMA (Virtual Laboratory for Molecular Level Atmospheric Transformations).