
06/2022 Best Paper (1st Prize) at ICPRAI 2022

  • Our paper: A hierarchical prototypical network for few-shot remote sensing scene classification, by M. Hamzaoui, L. Chapel, M.T. Pham, S. Lefèvre

09/2021 SAD Région Bretagne Funding (63 k€)

  • Project ROMMEO - Robust multitask learning via mutual knowledge distillation for earth observation

05/2018 Boost'Europe Funding of the Région Bretagne (15 k€)

07/2016 Finalist of Student competition at the 2016 IEEE International in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, China

  • My paper: "Texture retrieval from very high resolution remote sensing images using the local extrema-based descriptors"

09/2015 Poster Prize at the PhD Student Day of the SICMA Doctoral School.

  • My poster: "Local texture characterization from very high resolution images"