Executive Committee (2019-2020)

Advisor: Nusair Hasan

President, Md Sami Bin shokrana

Md Sami Bin Shokrana is pursuing his Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering at Michigan State University. His research interests include the fate and transport of nutrients in subsurface drainage water and climate change impacts on surface water bodies. He loves travelling and always looking for outdoor activities. Also a soccer Fan!

General Secretary, Asif Iqbal

Asif Iqbal is doing his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan State University. His research is on theoretical and computational plasma physics. He likes to listen to music, watch movies and hangout with fun people. He enjoys singing too.

Afibuzzaman Anik, Treasurer

Afibuzzaman Anik Has completed his Ph.D on August 2021 from Computer Science Engineering.Right now working as a software engineer at Intel Corporation.He loves hanging out with people and travelling.

Hasanur R Chowdhury, Event Coordinator

Hasanur R Chowdhury is doing his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Michigan State University. His research specialization areas include the characterization and development of fiber-optic devices and systems. He loves to travel and explore places. He is also fond of games, foods and movies

Md Towhidur Rahman Turag, Media Secretary

Md Towhidur Rahman Turag is pursuing his PhD in Mechanical Engineering with a research focus on Computation Fluid-Structure Interaction. He has completed his BS in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He loves debating, poetry, philosophy, sports and traveling.