Mostafa S. Shadloo

Dr. Shadloo is an Associate Professor, since Sept. 2015, at the National Institute of Applied Science (INSA), Rouen and a Researcher at Coria Lab. (CNRS-UMR 6614). Dr. Shadloo is actively engaged in the fields of (i) (aero-) hydrodynamics, turbulence, transitional boundary layers as well as (ii) multiphase, multi-physics fluid flows and heat transfer for the last 10 years. His expertise is mainly in theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), but has also been active in developing validation strategies and guidelines for CFDist. He aims to develop a new generation high-order coupled algorithm for compressible/incompressible fluid flows with complex physical behaviors, in relation to industrial applications. In this framework, he uses high-performance computing (HPC), high-fidelity direct numerical simulations (DNS) and large-eddy simulations (LES) to decipher complex instabilities and flow behaviors caused mainly by multi-phase and/or turbulent flows, with heat transfer and compressibility effects. 

Current/past Positions

2015 –Pres.     Associate Professor (Maitre de Conférences, CDI)

                        Industrial and Environmental Risk Management Department (MRIE)

                        Turbulence, Atomization, Spray and Chaos (TASC) Group, CORIA Lab., INSA Rouen/ CNRS (UMR 6614), Rouen, France  

2019 –2021     Visiting Professor (Alexandre von Humboldt fellow) 

                        Chemical Engineering Dept. (ICVT), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.

2014 –2015     Assistant Professor (Maitre de Conférences, CDD)

                        DyRaC group - LHEEA Lab., Ecole Centrale Nantes / CNRS (UMR 6598), Nantes, France

2013 – 2014   Postdoctoral Researcher

                        TASC Group, CORIA Lab., INSA Rouen/ CNRS (UMR 6614), Rouen, France

2009 – 2013   Research Assistant

                        Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey

visiting Research Positions

2019 (1mth.)  Invited Visiting Prof.,

                        King Mongkut's Uni. of Tech. Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand 

2018 (3mths.) Visiting Research Scholar

                        Chemical Engineering Dept., Imperial College London, London, UK.

2017 (3mths.) Visiting Research Scholar (DAAD fellow)

                        Chemical Engineering Dept. (ICVT), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.

2016 (1mth.)  Invited Research Scholar

                        Center of Turbulence Research, Stanford University, USA.

2015 (1week)  Invited Researcher,

                        ICVT Laboratory, University of Stuttgart, Germany

2012 (4mths.) Visiting Research Scholar

                        Department of Geoscience, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, USA.


2021 H.D.R. in Energy Engineering (Habilitation)

                        Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Rouen Normandie, Rouen, France

                        Contributions in the Computational Fluid Dynamics' Simulations of Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Fluid Flow Problems

2009 – 2013   PhD in Mechatronics Engineering

                        Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey

                        Thesis: Improved Multi-Phase Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method

2006 – 2009   MSc. in Mechanical Engineering

                        Center of Excellence in Energy Convergence, Sharif Uni. of Tech., Tehran, Iran

Thesis: Modeling Multi-Phase Fluid Flow using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method

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