Публикации о М.С. Неймане


В статье наряду с первоначальными высказываниями по этому вопросу известных американских ученых Р.Ф. Фейнмана и Н. Винера рассматриваются 3 статьи М.С. Неймана, опубликованные в 1960-х годах. Утверждается его независимая приоритетная роль в выдвижении идей микроминиатюризации электронных элементов до молекулярного уровня.


Основные Интернет-публикации

The idea of DNA digital data storage dates back to 1959, when the physicist Richard P. Feynman, in "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom: An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics" outlined the general prospects for the creation of artificial objects similar to objects of the microcosm (including biological) and having similar or even more extensive capabilities.[10] In 1964–65, Mikhail Samoilovich Neiman, the Soviet physicist, published 3 articles about microminiaturization in electronics at the molecular-atomic level, which independently presented general considerations and some calculations regarding the possibility of recording, storage, and retrieval of information on synthesized DNA and RNA molecules.[11][12][13] After the publication of the first M.S. Neiman's paper and after receiving by Editor the manuscript of his second paper (January, the 8th, 1964, as indicated in that paper) the interview with cybernetician Norbert Wiener as published.[14] N. Wiener expressed ideas about miniaturization of computer memory, close to the ideas, proposed by M. S. Neiman independently. These Wiener's ideas M. S. Neiman mentioned in the third of his papers. This story is described in details.[15]