
Mikhail Samoilovich Neiman (1905-1975)

Mikhail Samoilovich  Neiman – famous scientist and radio officer of the Soviet Union, who made a great contribution to the theory and practice of ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic systems, antenna systems, and radio transmitters

M.S. Neiman - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, winner of the State Prize of the USSR. In 1928 he graduated from the Physics and Mechanics Faculty of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. He worked at the Central Radio Laboratory (CRL) for the State Trust of Weak Current Plants in Leningrad, Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (Head of the Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering), Moscow Aviation Institute (Head of the Department of Radio Transmitters), Central Research Radio Engineering Institute (former Institute-108). He was the senior member of the USA Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE).

Author of 93 publications including


·         M.S. Neiman. Triode and tetrode generators of microwave frequencies. - Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1950. – 283 p.

·         M.S. Neiman. Generalization of the theory of circuits on the wave systems. - Leningrad: State Energy Publishing, 1955. - 192 p.

·         M.S. Neiman. The course of radio transmitting devices. - 2nd ed., Ext. and rev. - Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1965. - 594 p.

·         M.S. Neiman. Automatic processes and phenomena (General Theory of Systems, containing the control rings of dependencies). - Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1958. - 148 p.

Publications on the processing and storage of information:

1.  Neiman M.S. Some fundamental issues of microminiaturization // Radiotekhnika, 1964, No. 1, pp. 3-12 (pdf, doc)  

The biophysical information systems and processes open favorable prospects in the direction on microminiaturisation of information storage and processing devices. These processes are, in particular, in the recording of the hereditary information in single-chain polymer molecules of DNA. The messenger RNA implement more complex function. The RNA molecule represents the equivalent of the logical element with three four-digit inputs and not less than one 20-digit output. It can be assumed that next studies may reveal methods of artificial construction of the information machines with microelements consisting of individual molecules or atoms.

2. Neiman M.S. On the relationships between the reliability, performance and degree of microminiaturization at the molecular-atomic level // Radiotekhnika,1965, No. 1, pp. 1-9 (pdf, doc

Possible ways of improvement of reliability and extent of determinancy of quantum processes from the point of view of their application for storage and processing of information are discussed. We consider the association between the degree of reliability, the degree of microminiaturisation and the performance of information systems for the case of discrete quantum transitions at the molecular or atomic level.

3. Neiman M.S. On the molecular memory systems and the directed mutations //Radiotekhnika, 1965, No.6, pp. 1-8 (pdf, doc

The relationship between the construction of memory storage devices at the molecular level and the management of heredity with the help of directed mutation is established. Possible directions of the initial research for the development of electromagnetic, electronic and ionic methods of information recording and reading in long chained polymer molecules are discussed. The case of the memory system consisting of a chain of identical elements which is similar to the genetic memory systems is considered.