Q1. Can I run MSMC locally using the GUI?

A1. Yes. Please follow the following steps:

  • Download GUI here

  • On your Unix/Linux machine, install ssh server (How to Install and Configure OpenSSH Server In Linux)

    • sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client

  • Fill out the server IP: "localhost" or ""

  • Fill out "Username" and "Password"

  • Click on "Test connection": if "successful", you can run MSMC on your local machine

  • Congratulations!

Q2. What precision that MSMC can handle?

A2. The code can work with any requested precision that the hardware can handle.

Q3. How to setup a script to run a MSMC job on a server?

A3. Download the script here & run it

Q4. Can I run a MSMC job interactively?

A4: Yes but not recommended. Syntax: nohup {msmc.static} {inputfile} &