Neural Surfer Master Book Catalog



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The following is a subject guide to all of the books that the MSAC Philosophy Group has published so far. It is updated weekly. We are averaging fifteen new books per month. The links below are to the FREE PDFs. The vast majority of our titles are also available in quality paperback format from and Barnes and Noble. We have also produced audio versions of over 250 titles, with many more forthcoming. 



THE FOLLOWING ARE ALL FREE PDFS FOR DOWNLOAD | 513 titles and still counting

Quantum Mechanics | Physics 

1 | Spooky Physics: a brief introduction to the Einstein/Bohr debate and the implications of quantum theory 

2 | Einstein vs. Bohr: the EPR paper of 1935 by Albert Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen

3 | Bohr vs. Einstein: Niels Bohr’s rejoinder to Einstein in physical review, 1935 by Niels Bohr

4 | Schrodinger's Cat: The present situation in quantum mechanics

5 | Bertlemann’s Socks:  J.S. Bell’s paper for journal de physique by J.S. Bell

6 | New Physics and Ancient Mysticism by David Christopher Lane

7 | The Feynman Imperative *

8 | Quantum Weirdness (new edition) *

9 | Is the Universe Really Made of Tiny Rubber Bands? *

10 | Bruno's Multiverse *

11 | When the Sun Became the Center *

12 | Four Scientists who Changed the World *

13 | Just Odds *

14 | Maya: The Physics of Deception *

15 | Illuminated Geometry *

16 | The Materialist Orbit *

17 | Archaic Astronomy *

18 | Gravity's Arc

19 | Aristarchus of Samos

20 | Astronomical History

Evolution | Natural Selection

1 | Darwin’s DNA: a brief introduction to evolutionary philosophy 

2 | On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type by Alfred Russel Wallace

3 | Experiments in Plant Hybridization by Gregor Mendel

4 | On the Origin of Species: a review by T.H. Huxley

5 | Molecular Structures of Nucleic Acids by James Watson and Francis Crick

6 | Frisky Dirt: why Ken Wilber’s new creationism is pseudoscience

7 | Random Mutations in Molecular Biology: why Ken Wilber’s creationist hummer got recalled.

8 | The Faith of Physical Causes: presenting the evidence for biological evolution

9 | Darwin 101 *

10| A Scientific Education *

11 | Evolutionary Limits *

12 | The DNA of Consciousness (new edition) *

13 | You are Probability *

14 | Cosmic Creationism *

15 | Evolution Explained (illustrated) 

16 | We are all Scientists

17 | Evolution and Natural Selection *

18 | Epistmelogical Borderlands *

19 | Defending Darwin *

20 | Neo-Darwinism *

21 | The God Behind the Curtain *

22 | Darwin's Obituary *

23 | The Evolutionary Scientists *

24 | Naturally Selected: Readings in Biological Evolution *

25 | The Darwinian Hypothesis


27 | A Scientific Notebook

28 | The Natural Progression

29 | A Naturally Selected Correspondence

30 | Nature's Monism

31 | Evolutionary Transition

32 | A Thoughtful Universe?

33 | The Organic Unity of the Universe

34 | The Great Evolutionist

35 | The Nature Explorer: Russel Letters

36 | Evolution Illuminated

37 | Where it Leads

38 | The Evolving Image

39 | Adaptive Evolution

40 | Observation with a Purpose

41 | The Ascent of Charles Darwin

42 | Natural Wit

Neuroscience | Consciousness

1 | Is Consciousness Physical?

2 | The Physics of Awareness

3 | Is My iPhone Conscious?

4 | Tangled Phone Lines

5 | Agnostic

6 | Mysterium Tremendum

7 | The Voyage Within

8 | The Physics of Going Within

9 | The Real New Wave

10 | Future Thinking *

11 | Einstein's Wastebasket *

12 | Surfing in the Cerebral Hemispheres *

13 | Churchland Controversy *

14 | Adventures in Science *

15 | Cerebral Mirage *

16 | The Oceanic Metaphor *

17 | Inside-Outside

18 | The Disneyland of Consciousness *

19 | The Neural Basis of Consciousness 

20 | The Library of Consciousness *

21 | Neural Seduction *

22 | The Neural Basis of Consciousness (new edition/book) *

23 | Zombie Dating *

24 | The Subjective Mind 

25 | The Illuminated Brain *

26 | The Many-Sided Brain

27 | The Rendered Universe

28 | Promissory Metaphysics *

29 | The Astral Plane Debates *

30 | The Science of Unity *


32 | The Evolution of Meditation

33 | Conscious Creatures

34 | A Deceptive Brain

35 | Mysterium Tremendum

36 | The Projected Multiverse

37 | The Animistic Universe

Computers | Artificial Intelligence

1 | On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem by Alan Turing

2 | Computing Intelligence and Machinery by Alan Turing

3 | The Horizontal Urge: how information will get laid in the future

4 | The Future of Information and Memory: or how your iPod will hold everything in the future

5 | Global Positioning Intelligence: telepathy in a digital future

6 | The Codex Funeral, Books are Dead: how the iPad killed them

7 | The Avatar Project *

8 | Is the Universe An App? *

9 | When Machines Become Masters *

10 | When Computers Become Human *

11 | And, Or, Not: George Boole *

12 | The Virtual Philosophers *

13 | The Virtual Reality of Consciousness *

14 | A Virtual Tomorrow

Mystical | Paranormal

1 | The Mystical Dimension

2 | Mysticism and Logic 

3 | The Politics of Mysticism

4 | Littlewood’s Law of Miracles

5 | Apophenia

6 | The Himalayan Connection: UFO’s and the Chandian Effect

7 | Paranormal Adventures: The World’s Oldest Astrological Book

8 | Believer Skeptic and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

9 | The Subtlety of Physical Cues

10| Speaking in Tongues

11 | The Kirpal Statistic

12 | The Hierarchical Structure of Religious Visions

13 | The Doubting Meditator *

14 | The Mystical

15 | Channeling 

16 | Brother of the Third Degree *

17 | The Disappointing Buddha *

18 | The Skeptical Yogi *

19 | The Philosopher's Library *

20 | Lotus Feet of Clay *

21 | Psychic Deception *

22 | Vaporizing Spirits

23 | The Secret Transference of Energy

24 | Sherlock Seances

25 | Mystical Symbolism | Manly P. Hall

26 | Skeptic / Psychic

27 | The Luminous Within

28 | Glimpses of the Superluminal Realm

29 | The 9th Vibration

30 | In the Land of Ethereal Beings

31 | Sherlock's Conversion

32 | Blissful

33 | The Third Eye Fallacy

34 | Dream Avatars

35 | The Infinite Regress

Skeptical | Cults

1 | God 101: There is None?

2 | The Guru has No Turban

3 | The Magic of an Elevated Podium

4 | Andrew Cohen Exposed

5 | Hi Gakko, this is Fubbi

6 | Exposing Cults: The Paradox of Da Free John

7 | Lotus Feet of Clay

8 | The Shadow of a God-Man

9 | Loyalty to Your Soul: A Critical Review of John-Roger’s Teachings

10 | Father Yod and the Brotherhood of the Source

11 | The Cultic Mind *

12 | Heretical Thinking *

13 | Exposing Cults: Expanded Edition *

14 | The Guru Question *

15 | DA: The Strange Case of Franklin Jones *

16 | Gumby Land

17 | The Master Plagiarist: Gary Olsen and MasterPath *

18 | Gumby Land: Adventures in Nonsense (new edition) *

19 | Doubting Mind *

20 | Miracle Mongers and their Methods

21 | The Progressive Nature of Doubt

Thinking | Philosophy

1 | Plato’s Cave: philosophy in image and text

2 | Tom Blake: the original neuralsurfer

3 | Cerebral Wave: the coffee-house of surat by Leo Tolstoy

4 | Deconstructionism: out-of-body experiences and netflix

5 | Neural Reflections: selections from a diary

6 | What would Errol Do? the octagonal philosophy of Errol Flynn

7 | The Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy

8 | The Race by Flavio Fernandez

9 | A Confession by Leo Tolstoy

10| Father Sergius by Leo Tolstoy

11| Why I Don’t Eat Faces: a neuroethical argument for veganism

12 | What Would Errol Do? *

13 | The Agnostic Lawyer *

14 | Circle of the Wise *

15 | Neural Surfer: The Diary *

16 | Digital Philosophy 

17 | The Great Mystery *

18 | Why I don't Eat Faces (new edition) *

19 | Voodoo Voodoo and Probability *

20 | Conscious Unknowing 

21 | The Supernatural Philosopher *

22 | Why Living Today is Better than Yesterday *

23 | Truth Lies (new edition)

24 | On Being Unknowing *

25 | A Temporal Point of View *

26 | The Rational Imperative *

27 | The Unconscious Prisoner *

28 | Pondering the Cosmos


30 | The Synthetic Philosopher

31 | The Agnostics

32 | The Myopic Materialist?

33 | The Disenchanted Philosopher

34 | A Necessary Illusion

35 | Early Veganism

36 | Virtual Knowledge | Bergson

37 | Rationality 101 | Kant

38 | Untethered Rationality

39 | The Prophetic Luddite?

40 | To Think

41 | The Agnostic Reformation

42 | Agnostic Illuminations

43|  The Role of Skepticism

Philosophy | Classics

1 | How Did Socrates Die? Plato

2 | The Life of Pythagoras 

3 | The Metaphysics of Morality: Kant *

4 | Truth Lies: Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsche

5 | To be Agnostic: Darrow

6 | Reasonable Logic: Wittgenstein *

7 | Stoicism Lite: Epictetus

8 | Siddhartha

9 | The Transcendentalist *

10 | The Socratic Quest *

11 | The Life of Pythagoras (new edition) *

12 | When Socrates Died (new edition) *

13 | Logic and Intuition *

14 | The Celluar God *

15 | Reasonable Logic *

16 | On the Abstinence of Animal Food

17 | Great Insights of the Scientific Mind: Bertrand Russell *

18 | Great Insights of the Scientific Mind: Charles Darwin *

19 | Mystics of the World: Nicholas of Cusa *

20 | The Voyage of Unknowing *

21 | Visual Foresight *

22 | The Sublimely Beautiful: Plotinus

23 | A History of Wisdom

24 | The Wise Thinker

25 | The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell

26 | Metaphysical Thirst

27 | Asebeia / Atheism

28 | The Incurable Luddite

29 | Doubt Realized | Nietzsche Biography

30 | Perspective | Stoicism

31 | The Study of Language

32 | What Nietzsche Taught

33 | Evolving Mind

34 | Aristotle's Adventure

35 | Critical Wisdom

36 | A Socratic Dialectic

37 | The Athenian Constitution

38 | Spinoza's Ethics

39 | Understanding Mind

40 | Aristotle

41 | The Tyranny of God

42 | Eucken's Philosophy

43 | A Tragic Sense of Life

44 | Unfinished Nietzsche

45 | The Stoic Emperor

46 | Philosophic Nights in Paris

47 | A Short History of Greek Philosophy

48 | Great Insights of the Scientific Mind: Doubt Quotes

49 | History of Modern Philosophy

Religion | East and West

Guideline: When Scholars Study the Sacred

1 | Bhagavad Gita: Krishna

2 | Dhammapada: Buddha *

3 | The Ganesha Chronicles *

4 | The Adventures of Rama

5 | Garuda: King of the Birds  

6 | Nirguna: Without Form

7 | Ramana: Who Am I?

8 | Sandilya: Upanishad

9 | The Gnostic Mystery *

10 | Meditating Catholic

11 | The Gnostic Jesus *

12 | The Only Christian

13 | Father Sergius    

14 | A Confession: Tolstoy  

15 | Orthodoxy

16 | Numinous Lectures  

18 | Lions of the Punjab: The Sikh Religion

19 | Tao Te Ching 

20 | The Essence of Christianity

21 | Masnavi *

22 | Kabir *

23 | Pantheism

24 | Ahimsa *

25 | A Spiritual Adventure in India *

26 | Kabir by Tagore *

27 | The Jain Path *

28 | The Rise of New Religions *

29 | The Sikhs (new edition) *

30 | Clash of the Archetypes

31 | The Luminous Teachings *

32 | Sri Japji Sahib *

33 | The Swami Who Inspired the World *

34 | The Bengali Mystic *

35 | Pali Buddha *

36 | Kabir from the Guru Granth Sahib *

37 | A Beacon of Light *

39 | Ramana: Who Am I (new edition/book) *

40 | Sukhmani *

41 | Sandilya Upanishad

42 | The 14 Dreams of Queen Vishala *

43 | Empty Zen *

44 | Water Gods

45 | Olympic Gods

46 | The Adventures of a Prior Buddha

47 | A Mirror Has No Reflection

48 | Beyond the Mummy

49 | The Eternal Journey

50 | S O L I T U D E

51 | Faith in Action: Abraham Lincoln

52 | Burma Buddha

53 | Athanasia

54 | Disciples of the Sacred Gurus

55 | Journey to the Sacred Land of Buddha

56 | S E C L U S I O N


58 | St. Francis of Assisi

59 | A 14th Century Mystic

60 | Behold the Man

61 | Beyond the Mummy

62 | The Gnosis of the Light

63 | A Parallaxical God

64 | The Book of Saints & Friendly Beasts

65 | The Making of a Saint


67 | Mystics of the World: Ramana Maharshi

68 | Blissful

69 | Amrit

Radhasoami | Sant Mat | Sikhism

1 | THE ENCHANTED LAND: A Journey with the Saints of India *



4 | RS DOCS: volume one: Theosophy and Radhasoami

5 | RS DOCS: volume two: The Radha Swami Sect in India

6 | RS DOCS: volume three: “Rai Shaligram Saheb Bahadur” by Max Muller| 1898/1899

7 | RS DOCS: volume four: The Radha Soami Satsang by J.N Farquhar | 1915 

8 | RS DOCS: volume five: The East and the West by J. Kennedy | 1905

9 | The Inner Sound 

10 | Going Within

11 | Shabd Yoga

12 | Sandilya 

13 | The Mystery of Dr. Johnson's Death *

14 | The Succession Conspiracy *

15 | Baba Jaimal Singh and his Quest for the Secret of Panch Nam *

16 | Radhasoami: A Critical History *

17 | The Guru in America *

18 | Rai Salig Ram *

19 | Mystics of the World: Jagat Singh *

20 | Mystics of the World: Rai Salig Ram *

21 | Mystics of the World: Charan Singh *

22 | Charan: A Remembrance *

23 | RS Documents *

24 | The God Experiment: Radhasoami's Version of Science

25 | Radha Soami Mat Prakash *

26 | Radhasoami Comes to America

27 | The Beas Gurus

28 | The Soldier Sage of Beas

29 | Glimpses of Sikh History

30 | NADA: Book one

Sach Khand | R.S. Journal

1 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 1

2 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 2

3 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 3

4 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 4

5 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 5

6 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 6

7 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 7

8 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 8

9 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, One

10 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, Two

11 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, Three

12 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, Four


Shabd Yoga and Meditation 

1 | The Voyage of Light and Sound

2 | The Way Out is In

3 | The Voice of Silence *

4 | Meditation: The Inner Sound

5 | The Physics of Going Within

6 | Why I Meditate *

7 | The Mystic Sound *

8 | Listening to the Inner Sound *

9 | Shabd Yoga *

10 | Blissful Ignorance

Eckankar and Related Movements

1 | Gakko: The Skeptic’s Journal on Eckankar, volume one

2 | Gakko: The Skeptic’s Journal on Eckankar, volume two

3 | Gakko: The Skeptic’s Journal on Eckankar, volume four

4 | When God Responds: Darwin Gross vs. David Lane

5 | The Path of Plagiarism

7 | The Master Plagiarist: Critiquing Gary Olsen, volume one

8| The Master Apologist: Critiquing Gary Olsen, volume two

9 | The Master Questions: Critiquing Gary Olsen, volume three

10 | The New Panths: Shabdism in North America

11 | The Making of a Spiritual Movement *

12 | The Master Plagiarist: Gary Olsen and MasterPath

13. GAKKO CAME FROM VENUS: Exploring the Lost History of Eckankar

Faqir Chand | Radical Spirituality

1 | The Unknowing Sage: The Life and Work of Baba Faqir Chand *

2 | Inner Visions and Running Trains 

3 | The Projective Arc *

4 | The Reluctant Guru 

5 | Baba Faqir Chand: A Pictorial Glimpse of His Philosophy *

6 | The Chandian Effect 

7 | Jeevan Mukti

8 | The Secret of Secrets

9 | The Chandian Effect BOOK (not magazine) *

10 | The Unknowing Sage (new edition) / HINDI

11 | Inner Visions and Running Trains (illustrated edition) *

12 | Meeting the Great Sage of the Punjab *

13 | The Inner Secret *

14 | Floating Swans and Blooming Flowers *

15 | Mystics of the World: Faqir Chands

16 | Baba Faqir Chand Illuminations *

17 | The Mystic-Sage of the Punjab *

18 | The Enlightened Successor

19 | To Evaporate in the Universe

20 | Garud Puran

21 | The Gallows

Mini Books | Great Thoughts

1 | Nietzsche: God is Dead

2 | Nicholas of Cusa: The Unknowable

3 | Jack London: The Royal Sport *

4 | Charles Darwin: Natural Selection

Varied | Different Topics

1 | The Yoga of Bodysurfing

2 | Tom Blake: A Surfer's Philosophy *

3 | Mark Twain in India *

4 | The Book Addict *

5 | In Search of the Perfect Coke *

6 | Tom Brown at Oxford *

7 | Somerset Maugham Honolulu *

8 | The Library of Imagination *

9 | Shawn the Pawn 

10 | My Early Days at Oxford *

11 | The Runnebohm Library

12 | Philosophy Library *

13 | The Kauai Adventure *

14 | Confessions of a Bibliomaniac *

15 | Bibliomania 101 *

16 | The Royal Sport: Jack London *

17 | The Yoga of Bodysurfing (book version) *

18 | The Psychic Surfer *

19 | The Future of Information and Memory

20 | The Talking Book Library *

21 | The Hungry Stones by Tagore *

22 | The Book Hunter in London *

23 | MSAC Books (catalog)

24 | Neuralsurfer Film Catalog

25 | The Planet Time Forgot *

26 | The Cave Dwellers of Saturn

27 | Shipwreck Tales and Disasters at Sea *

28 | Beyond Light

29 | The Story Without An End (Children's tale)

30 | Cosmic Castaway *

31 | The Egyptian Mystery

32 | Chance by Joseph Conrad

33 | Being the Wave

34 | Katia

35 | Book Illustrators and Their Work

36 | Gerry Sant of the Secret Service

37 | Certain Personal Matters

Sufism, Islam, and related themes

1 | Tales of Wonder *

2 | Conference of the Birds *

3 | The Mystics of Islam *

4 | The Temptations of Prince Agib *

5 | The Blissful Longing of Rumi *

6 | The Mystical Heart of Islam *

7 | Rumi's Masnavi *

8 | Voyages of Imagination *

9 | The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam *

10 | Divan of Hafiz *

11 | Persian Poetry *

12 | Skepsis: The Poetic Insights of a Critical Mind

13 | Sufism *

14 | The Legend of the Jealous Sisters

15 | Compass of Truth

16 | Mullah Shah

17 | Transcendent Pantheism

18 | Amaurotic Light

19 | Magical Tales from Mystic India

20 | The House of Islam

21 | Sufi Inspired

22 | Carazan's Dream

23 | Visions of the Blue Mosque

24 | The Mystic Sublime

25 | The Mingling of the Two Oceans

26 | Jahanara's Biography of Mullah Shah

27 | The Development of Metaphysics in Persia

28 | Mystics of the World: DARA SHIKOH

29 | Simurgh

History related

2 | Tibetan Adventures

3 | The Sun's Origin: Japan

4 | Illuminated Manuscripts

5 | A Seaman's Tales

6 | In the Land of the Pharaohs

7 | In the Eye of Horus

8 | Timeless Codex

9 | A Voyage to the East

10 | London at Night

11 | Princess Badoura

12 | Electric Lights

13 | A Boy's Adventure in India

14 | On the Origin of Music and its Evolution

15 | Visions of Marrakesh

16 | In Morocco

17 | A Dweller in Mesopotamia

18 | The Ascent of the Matterhorn

19 | Khaled: A Tale of Arabia

20 | Impressions of a Different Era


22 | The Lance of Kanana

23 | The Volcanic World

24 | The Romanes Lecture

25 | The Workers

26 | Tolstoy

27 | Rulers of India: Akbar  x


29 | Russian Novel

30 | The Story of the Indian Mutiny

31 | Travelling Sketches

32 | Huxley on Education

33 | The Magic Shop

34 | The Phantom Rickshaw

35 | Early Memories / Yeats

36 | Predicting the Future

37 | Intellectual Forecasting

38 | The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

39 | Aspects of Modern Oxford

40 | Satyagraha in India

41 | Across Asia on a Bicycle

42 | Shelley at Oxford

43 | Marcel Proust

44 | The Little Tea Book

45 | Mahatama Gandhi

46 | The Neuralsurfer's Journal

47 | Pasteur

48 | Joseph Alexander Lane

49 | Film Wise Quotes

50 | Mountain Paths

51 | Merton of the Movies