Final Project

Spring 2018

BC Calculus Class survey

Your final project is to learn something new. It does not have to be math related. What is something you always wanted to know how to do? Have fun and learn.

Grading Rubric

20 points 1 paragraph (1/2 page) description of what you will learn, why you chose this topic, and how you will learn it. Submit through google docs to Due 5/21

10 points Attendance ( 1 point per day) 5/17-6/1

40 points 5-10 minute presentation to the class of how and what you learned. 5/25-6/1

You are presenting on ______________________________

30 Points Reflection report (1 page) of how and what you learned including how you Due 6/1

felt about the assignment. Submit through google docs to **NOTE: Due 5/25 Seniors only

Total: 100 points Final Grade will count as two test grades for the 4th quarterJ

Helpful websites

1. The 37 Best Websites To Learn Something New:

2. 10 Sites to Learn Something New in 10 Minutes a Day:

Schedule for after the AP Exam:

Friday 5/18 Reflection on 2017 Free Response, Lottery for presentation time slot

Mon. 5/21-Wed 5/24 You may use class time to work on your project. You must be in class each day unless you are taking an afternoon AP Exam or have signed out of school through the office.