2nd Grade Music

Assignments for online learning will be listed below:

Assignment for May 26-29: Let's make a Xylophone!!! Let's make a xylophone using glasses of water at varying levels of fullness. Check out the instructions and see what songs you can play! Make Your Own Xylophone!

Assignment for May 18-22: Writing a Story with Classical Music! Check out this worksheet and have fun writing a story to classical music! Think of all the expressive qualities we have talked about in music class (loud/ soft, high/ low, fast/ slow, mood, style, instrumentation, etc.) and use that to help you write your story or create characters in your story! Write a Story To Classical Music!
Assignment for May 11-15: Become a DJ!!! Go to this website and create a cool combination of beats, effects and rhythms! Have fun and be creative!!! :) Incredibox
Assignment for May 4- 8: Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!!! Check out this Prezi on Mariachi Music! Your homework is to have a theme day! Check out my Prezi, listen to some Mariachi music, share what you've learned with an adult, make your favorite Mexican food, and have a fiesta!!!! :)

Assignment for April 27- May 1: Make Your Own Rainstick!!! Follow my simple steps to create your very own rainstick using items from around the house!! Make Your Own Rainstick!
Assignment for April 20-24: Music Tic Tac Toe! Enjoy this fun game of tic tac toe! Try and complete three activities in a row, across, up and down or diagonally! There are two versions of the tic tac toe board. One is for mostly online activities, the other is for non internet activities. Feel free to use either, no need to print them off - send me a picture if you want to but not necessary! I'm here for you if you need me :)
Assignment for April 14-17: BRAIN BREAK!!!! Welcome back to online school after break! Music is an essential part of your mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being. During this difficult time, it is important that we can pull our resources for coping to help us manage stress. Your task this week is to watch this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZjsLK5vwNU then find your favorite song, pick something that helps you express how you are feeling right now, maybe happy, sad, anxious, scared, whatever it may be and dance to it. Crank up the music and DANCE IT OUT! This is an activity we do in school a lot at the end of a particularly hard class/ day at school. Sometimes when you feel stressed you just need to dance it out, sing along, be silly! :) Nothing to turn in this week, but I'm here for you if you need me!
Assignment for April 6-10: Please watch Act III (or part of Act 3) and tell an adult something you found interesting in this act. Link is below- Act III is minute 1:35- 2:15 -- remember, you don't have to watch all of it, think about how we would skip through some of the video during class.
Assignment for week of March 30-April 4.... Due on April 4 by 11:59 PM Activity 1: Please watch Carmen Act II, then answer the following survey questions. Act II- m 52-1:35 Act III- m 1:35-2:13 Act IV- m 2:13- 2:39 Carmen Carmen Act 2 Survey (You might have to skip a little bit in the video, just similar to how we did in class, for time sake. I do not expect you to watch the whole thing unless you want to) This week is ONLY ACT II :) Acts III and IV will be in coming weeks.