Unit 2: U.S. Constitution

Unit Trailer

The Constitution Convention Trailer.mp4

Big Idea: Struggle for power leads to change.

Essential Questions: When is it necessary for society to change? How should power be distributed in a government? How do we ensure the power of the government works for the people? How can the power of the government be limited? How do governments balance the rights of individuals with the common good? How does the Constitution reflect the goals of American society? How can citizens participate in government? How is the Constitution a “living document”? How do structures prevent the abuse of power?

Lecture Notes

Constitution Introduction Notes

1 - Constitution Intro(web).pptx

The U.S. Constitution Notes

2 - What is in the Constitution (web).pptx

The Bill of Rights Notes

3 - Bill of Rights (web).pptx

Unit Videos

Preamble to the Constitution

The Preamble - School House Rock w_ sing-along text - Same-Language-Subtitling.mp4

Constitutional Compromises