High Altitude Ballooning

Are you interested in an innovative and unique way to integrate NGSS, engineering and real world science? High altitude ballooning is for you!!!!

High altitude ballooning is the most amazing thing I have done professionally, and has completely changed the trajectory of my professional life. Empowering students through voice and choice, doing something truly engaging, equips them with the life skills necessary to enter the real world. I don't know about you, but my goal is not for students to enter Harvard or even to be a scientist. I want to expose students to opportunities to grow in their thought process. I want them to be able to work within and among others in an effective and meaningful way. I want them to be able to break down the nature of a problem and to communicate as literate and mature thinkers. And, I want them fail. They thank me for it, I promise. HAB offers students the opportunity to experience science as a SCIENTIST. If you really break down college, you don't really do authentic and orignal studies until grad school. Why not give young people the reins earlier. Still with me??

I don't work for a company. I'm just a simple star loving teacher who found something, and I want as many young people as possible to experience this. I just want to spread the love.

Before you do ANYTHING else, please spend 15 minute and watch the student video from May 2. Making the summative video is one of the many roles I assign students. I do NOT have any role in this.

This video was entirely made by one student: Becca Hudson, aged 16.

This was the first year I had to assist in Recon. Here is my recon footage.

Still with me? Want to dive in? Maybe you've been in one of my sessions or maybe you just need to know what to tell your admin. Start here:

Why HAB?

NGSS palooza HAB