

Math: Math Expressions

    • Adding and subtracting large numbers, rounding, multiplication, division, fractions

Language Arts: Wonders

    • Character traits, setting, book genres, author study

    • We will begin with non-fiction writing and focus on paragraph structure: topic and concluding sentences, and supporting details.


    • Energy & engineering designs, earth systems, waves & information processing

Social studies

    • California history: regions, California Indians, Missions & gold rush

Assignment Policy

  1. Classwork not completed during the school day will be taken home to be completed for homework that evening.

  2. Late work will be given partial credit.

  3. Please check your child's academic planner each day for daily assignements.

Accelerated Reading:

· Students are required to read on average 5 points within a 3 week grading period. Modifications will be made when needed.

· Each child gets to pick his or her own book based on their interest and reading level.

· Once a book is completed, an AR quiz needs to be taken online to receive credit.