
UNIT 4 - Astronomy

Astronomy Unit Test will be on FRIDAY JANUARY 13 - check in attachments below for a test matrix!

On your course CD, Files and notes for Unit 4 - Astronomy - are designated by the number 7


Check out this list of on line animations including a red shift simulator, parallax calculator and HR diagram explorer

Terry Hertner of Cornell University put together this list of simulations. Check out the Parallax!

Parallax video - Animation of how parallax is determined from NASA

Interactive HR diargam. Watch the evolution of a star

QUEST Lessons and Videos - topics from Solar System Mountains to Dark Energy

The astronomy unit focuses on all aspects of Space Science beyond our solar system

Distances in space, properties of light and stars and the history of the universe will be studied

Bring your Math Skills!!

NOTES, LESSONS AND ASSIGNMENTS ON LINE - Check here to get the documents for this unit!

Labs Demos and Animations - this sub page has attachments and links to any of the demos or labs discussed in class.


Hyperspace - This BBC Documentary featuring Sam Neil is broken into 6 episodes:

1 - Star Stuff - looks at the properties and composition of stars

2 - Staying Alive - reviews some of the more dynamic threats our planet faces from forces in and beyond our solar system

3 - Black Holes - looks at the evidence of these phenomena

4 - Are we Alone - considers this question and investigates some of the technology trying to answer it.

5 - New Worlds - considers what will happen if and when people decide to leave Earth. How and why will we do it?

6 - Boldly Go - Charting the heavens using technology and considering how we might move through space in the future.

The Universe in a Nutshell - 48 minutes

Relevant Articles

1 - Cold Spots in space and the CMB - how a cold spot in space is being explored using various satellites. (WISE, Plank and PS1)

2 - Dark Matter - not so dark after all

3 - Solar Magnetism - how does it change over time? What causes it?

4 - Gravitational Waves - Check out this overview from the Perimeter Institute

5 - Einstein Rings and impossible measurements. Einstein thought we could never see this. Then we launched Hubble!

6 - Tracking Radio Bursts from Space - January 2018

7 - Hubble Constant - It's not really constant now, but some day it might be!