Wrongly Accused?

-In a dark and dirty dive bar-

Fury: Ah there you are.

Death Star: Yeah here I am. (downing his drink) This isn't quite the place I would normally come to but I guess you could say it has its charms.

Fury: The drinks are stiff and it's a hell of a place for some action.

Death Star: You do like the fighting don't you.

Fury: That's not what.... Yeah there's always someone pissed at the world and I'm more than happy to put a fist in their face to make them realize it can always be worse. So where were you at Redemption? Never thought of you to be the no show type.

Death Star: Oh you know all that honor shit with the demasking. Felt like it was time for a change. Needed some time away.

Fury: Maybe you just need a good romping.

Death Star: Is that a threat?

Fury: It's....god you're an idiot.

Death Star: Never claimed to be different. You are definitely right about one thing. Drinks are good here.

(As Death Star was about to down another drink a blast rang out hitting the glass he was holding)

Death Star: Holy. What the chimichurio was that?

Starscare: Death Star! You are coming with me.

Death Star: You just took a shot at me why would I do that!

Starscare: Because if you don't the next one will hit your head instead of the glass you were drinking from. You are wanted for murder and war crimes agains Pyceron.

Death Star: Well I have been guilty of many things, but....

(Another shot rings out right over Death Star's head)

Starscare: There will be no more of that. Come with me alive or be dragged out....

(Starscare didn't see the stool coming as Fury slammed it over the back of his head knocking him out)

Fury: Get your ass in gear!

Death Star: Where are we going?

Fury: I know a place. Rules don't apply, but guys like Starscare here don't really run things either. It's where I started my fighting career. Now get your ass in gear.