About MPL

Laboratory Introduction

본 연구실에서는 차세대 모바일 기기용 고성능 3D graphics HW/SW 및 media processor에 대한 연구 개발을 수행하고 있습니다.

본 연구실의 faculty인 박우찬 교수님은 본 분야에 대해서 국가지정연구실 과제, 삼성전자 과제, LG전자 과제 등 다양한 과제를 다수 수행하였으며, 현재는 SystemIC 과제, 서울시 혁신클러스터 과제, 삼성전자(종합기술원) 과제를 수행중에 있습니다.

또한, 해외 저명 학술 논문지에 논문을 다수 게재 및 국내외 특허를 다수 등록하였습니다.

본 분야에 관심 있거나 도전하고 싶으신 분들은 연락바랍니다.


1. SiliconArts: Real-time Ray Tracing GPU IP (APAC CIO Outlook)

2. 전자신문 "차세대 레이트레이싱그래픽 게임 VR시장 판도 바꿀것" 기사 게재 (人사이트)

3. IDEC News letter 2017/7월호 (가상현실 3D 사운드를 위한 실시간 sound tracing 기술 개발)

4. 제17회 반도체 설계대전 수상관련 게재(이데일리, 대학저널, 에듀동아, 한국대학신문)

5. 제17회 대한민국 반도체 설계대전 칩 설계 공모전 동상 수상

6. 제17회 대한민국 반도체 설계대전 알고리즘 설계 공모전 동상 수상

7. IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips COOL Chips XIX Featured Poster Award 수상

8. 제16회 대한민국 반도체 설계대전 창의 IP 공모전 은상 수상

9. Jon Peddie's TechWatch 2014/08월호 RayCore 관련 문서 게재

10. 제 15회 대한민국 반도체 설계대전 자유주제 공모전 은상 수상

11. 제 15회 대한민국 반도체 설계대전 창의 IP 공모전 대학원생 부분 금상 수상

12. EETimes 2014/08월 RayCore 관련 기사 게재

13. SIGGRAPH 2014 "RayCore: A ray-tracing hardware architecture for mobile devices" 논문 게재

14. IDEC News letter 2013/12월호 (LFBC(Lossless Frame Buffer Compression)기술 동향)

15. 졸업생 서영득 LG전자 CTO 부문 입사 (2013/01)

16. 졸업생 이경호 NVIDIA Santa Clara R&D Center 발령 (2012/02)

17. IDEC News letter 2010/1월호 (실시간 Ray Tracing 가속기 기술 동향)

18. Raytracing HW demo video (Brochure) 


Recently Accepted Papers

International Journal 

- Jinyoung Lee, Cheong Ghil Kim, Yeon-kug Moon, Woo-chan Park,  "An Implementation of  Inverse Cosine Hardware  for  Sound Rendering Applications"Sensors, Vol. 23, no. 15, MDPI AG,  p. 6731April 2023

- Eunjae Kim,  Sukwon Choi,  Cheong Ghil Kim,  Woo-Chan Park, "Multi-Threaded Sound Propagation Algorithm to Improve Performance  on  Mobile  Devices"Sensors, Vol. 23, no. 2, MDPI AG,  p. 973Jan 2023

- Eunjae Kim,  Juwon Yun, Woo-Nam Chung, Jae-Ho Nah,  Youngsik Kim, Cheong Ghil Kim, Woo-Chan Park, "Effective Algorithm to Control Depth Level for Performance Improvement of Sound Tracing",  Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 21, no. 3,  pp. 713-728Feb 2022 

- Imjae Hwang,  Juwon Yun, Woo-Nam Chung, Jaeshin Lee,  Cheong Ghil Kim, Youngsik Kim, Woo-Chan Park, "Lossless Compression Algorithm and Architecture for Reduced Memory Bandwidth Requirement with Improved Prediction Based on the Multiple DPCM Golomb-Rice Algorithm",  Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1813-1828. Oct 2021 

- Jaeshin Lee, Imjae Hwang, Youngsik Kim, Cheong Ghil Kim, Woo-Chan Park, "An Effective Burst Access Scheme for Lossless Frame Buffer Compression on a Video Decoder"IEEE Access.  Vol. 9, Issue. 1, pp. 124419-124424. Aug 2021 

- Jinyoung Lee, Jae-Ho Nah, Woo-Nam Chung, Tae-Hyoung Lee, Woo-Chan Park, "An Implementation of Multi-Chip Architecture for Real-Time Ray Tracing Based on Parallel Frame Rendering"IEEE Access.  Vol. 9, Issue. 1, pp. 118968-118976. Aug 2021 

- Juwon Yun, Jinyoung Lee, Woo-Nam Chung, Cheong Ghil Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, “A Latency-Effective Pipelined Divider for Double-Precision Floating-Point Numbers”, IEEE Access. Vol. 8, Issue. 1, pp 165740-165747. Sep 2020

- Jinyoung Lee, Woonam Chung, Tae-Hyoung Lee, Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsik Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, “Load Balancing Algorithm for Real-Time Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes”, IEEE Access. Vol. 8, Issue. 1, pp 165003-165009. Aug 2020 

- Jaeshin Lee, Juwon Yun, Jinyoung Lee, Imjae Hwang, Dukki Hong, Youngsik Kim, Cheong Ghil Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, "An Effective Algorithm and Architecture for the High-Throughput Lossless Compression of High-Resolution Images"IEEE Access.  Vol. 7, Issue. 1, pp 138803-138815. Sep 2019 

- Juwon Yun, Jinyoung Lee, Cheong Ghil Kim, Yeongkyu Lim, Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsik Kim, Woo-Chan Park, "A Practically Applicable Performance Prediction Model based on Capabilities of Texture Mapping Units for Mobile GPUs", IEEE Access.  Vol. 7, Issue. 1, pp 102975-102984. July 2019 

- Juwon Yun, Jinyoung Lee, Cheong Ghil Kim, Yeong-Kyu Lim, Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsik Kim, Woo-Chan Park, "A Novel Performance Prediction Model for Mobile GPUs", IEEE Access. Vol. 6, Issue. 1, pp. 16235-16245, Mar 2018

- Imjae Hwang, Hyuck-Joo Kwon, Ji-Hye Chang, Yeongkyu Lim, Cheong Ghil Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, "An Effective Viewport Resolution Scaling Technique to Reduce the Power Consumption in Mobile GPUs," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 3918-3934, Aug 2017

- Dong-Seok Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, and Woo-Chan Park, "Geometry transition method to improve ray-tracing precision," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol.75, No. 10, pp. 5689-5700, May 2016 

International Conferences

- Eunjae Kim, Sukwon Choi, Jiyoung Kim, Jae-ho Nah, Woonam Jung, Tae-hyeong Lee, Yeon-kug Moon, Woo-chan Park, "An Architecture and Implementation of Real-Time Sound Propagation Hardware for Mobile Devices",  SIGGRAPG ASIA 2023 12월 발표 예정

- Dukki Hong, Tae-Hyung Lee, Woonam Chung, Jinseok Hur, Yejong Joo, Juwon Yun, Imjae Hwang and Woo-Chan Park, "SoundTracing: Real-time Sound Propagation Hardware Accelerator", Hot Chips: A Symposium on High Performance Chips(HC29), California, August. 2017.(Poster paper)

- Dukki Hong, Hae-Hyoung Lee, Yejong Joo and Woo-Chan Park, "Real-time Sound Propagation Hardware Accelerator for Immersive Virtual Reality 3D Audio", ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games(I3D), San Francisco, CA, February. 2017.(Poster paper)

- Dukki Hong, Seiyoung Lee and Woo-Chan Park "3D Audio Down-Mixing System for Immersive Realistic Virtual Reality," 2nd EEECS 2016 : Innovation and Convergence, Vol. 2, pp. 15-16, 2016

- Juwon Yun, Dukki Hong, Cheng Ghill Kim and Woo-Chan Park "The design of a Software Development Kit for Virtual Reality 3D Audios," 2nd EEECS 2016 : Innovation and Convergence, Vol. 2, pp. 44-45, 2016




Sejong University, Department of Computer Engineering

98 Kunja-dong, Kwangin-Ku Seoul 143-747, Korea

Copyright(C) 2005 Media Processor Lab, YulGok-Kwan 203B