What we do and Where.

Jan and Zane began their connection with Thailand in 1995. 

Zane's first mission trip and first commercial flight!  Jan had already lived over two and a half years in Africa prior to their marriage in 1992 and she has a very willing heart to do more.

Since that time they have ministered in India 23 years, living in Bangalore for 5 of those years, worked extensively in Burma (Myanmar) since 1996, spent 3 months in Nepal in 2002, and ministered in Thailand since 1995 having also lived there for 8 years. Many trips in and out of these SE Asian country and India have given them a heart that is joined with their many national friends and ex-pats in these nations. 

Starting in 2020, Jan and Zane have accepted a mandate from the Lord to work in India and Thailand while living in the US working and training people on how to follow Jesus's mandate to "GO" . Fostering a heart for every nation, people, tribe and telling all about Jesus and his free gift of new life. 

Discipleship training.

Assist the dentist in a free dental clinic! 

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