The Mystery Unveiled

“Having made known unto us the mystery of his will….to gather together all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things upon the earth; in him, I say” - Ephesians 1:9-10.

We should note that ‘heavens’ are properly in the plural (RV), encompassing not only our solar system, gigantic though it be, but the outermost reaches of God’s creation. Too vast for the greatest scientist, using the most advanced equipment, to measure let alone comprehend. The reference to the ‘earth’ in the singular marks it out as unique among the multiplicity of the heavenly bodies.

The fact is, that it was on this tiny planet that God created and placed mankind. In time, this culminated in the greatest event in human history; the incarnation, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ our Lord.

We can but bow as we listen to the Apostle Paul; “Great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in flesh” - Titus 3:16.

But the story is far from complete as the same Apostle declares in our Scripture. The plan will continue to be unfolded in the future. “All things”, animate and inanimate, will be “gathered together in Christ”. This expression (KJV) is a complex one having more than one root. It can come from the idea of ‘head’ or 'sum' and also 'reversal'. So commonly, a translation is to ‘head or sum up’ and from another root the thought of ‘bring back or restore’. We shall presently see how both can be harmonised.

First, to follow the definition of restoration in the context of the heavens and the earth. This is a pointing back to a previous condition where no separation between the Creator and the created existed. Back to the beginning when God was in harmony with all that He had made. He declared it to be “very good” - Genesis 1:31. The inspired Apostle contemplates a restoration to that former condition in the heavens and on the earth The material universe, cursed by sin, will be brought back to its pristine state.

How will it be accomplished?

It will commence with the Messiah’s millennial reign and culminate in the new heavens and earth (Revelation 21:1-5) wherein righteousness will dwell and all traces of the fall removed. Our Lord Jesus Christ will come again to “receive the kingdom” - Luke 19:15.

Thinking, now, of the idea of ‘heading up’ He will be the summation and the centre piece of God’s final purpose and plan. There will be no other. Truly all “the fullness of the Godhead" will be revealed in the glorious Son of God as He is proclaimed;


Drew Craig

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