
Spring 2025

1) Topology (MATH 646)

2) BC Calculus  (MATH 540)

3) AB Calculus  (MATH 530)

The Taft School, Watertown CT, US

Fall 2024

1) Complex Analysis (MATH 645)

2) BC Calculus  (MATH 540)

3) AB Calculus  (MATH 530)

The Taft School, Watertown CT, US

Spring 2024

1) Modern Algebra (Abstract Algebra) (MATH 646)

2) BC Calculus  (MATH 540)

3) AB Calculus  (MATH 530)

The Taft School, Watertown CT, US

Fall 2023

1) Linear Algebra (MATH 645)

2) BC Calculus  (MATH 540)

3) AB Calculus  (MATH 530)

The Taft School, Watertown CT, US

Spring 2023

1) Linear Algebra (MATH 645)

2) BC Calculus  (MATH 540)

3) AB Calculus  (MATH 530)

The Taft School, Watertown CT, US

Fall 2022

1) Differential Equations (MATH 741)

2) AP Calculus BC (MATH 540)

3) AP Calculus AB (MATH 530)

The Taft School, Watertown CT, US

Spring 2022

1) Math Workshop 

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

2) Graduate Student Mentor in DRP (Directed Reading Program)

The Directed Reading Program (DRP) pairs undergraduate students with graduate student mentors to pursue an independent reading project throughout the semester. An undergraduate student follows a textbook or a paper and the graduate student plays the role of a mentor and culminating in the student giving a public math lecture at the end of the semester. 

Spring  2021

Design of Programming Languages (COMP 321) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Fall  2020

Special Topics in Computer Science: Appl. Logic & Logic Programming (COMP 360G) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Spring  2020

Calculus I (MATH 121) - (Instructor)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Fall  2019

1) Math Workshop 

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

2) Graduate Student Mentor in DRP (Directed Reading Program)

The Directed Reading Program (DRP) pairs undergraduate students with graduate student mentors to pursue an independent reading project throughout the semester. An undergraduate student follows a textbook or a paper and the graduate student plays the role of a mentor and culminating in the student giving a public math lecture at the end of the semester. 

Here is the project I have mentored:  

Spring  2019

Discrete Mathematics  (MATH 228) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Fall  2018

Discrete Mathematics  (MATH 228) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Spring  2018

Calculus I (MATH 122) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Fall 2017

Introductory Calculus (MATH 117) - (Instructor)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Spring 2017

Fundamentals of Analysis; An Introduction to Real Analysis (MATH 225) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Fall 2016

1) An Introduction to Probability Theory (MATH 231) - (TA)

2) Multivariable Calculus (MATH 222) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Spring 2016

Discrete Mathematics (MATH 228) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Fall 2015

Vectors and Matrices (MATH 221) - (TA)

Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, US

Spring 2015

1) Multivariable Calculus  

2) Foundation of Mathematics - (TA)

Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran

Fall 2014

1) Topics in Set Theory (Allameh Helli High School, Tehran, Iran)

2) One Variable Calculus

Spring 2014

1) Foundations of Mathematics - (TA)

You can find your grades in the attachment (Grade-2014)

Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran

2) Linear Algebra

3) Calculus I

4) Differential Equation

Fall 2013

1) General Topology

Text: Topology A First Course,  By: James Munkres

2) Mathematical Logic

Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran

Spring 2011

1) Foundations of Mathematics

The exercises. (E 1) , (E 2) , (E 3) , (E 4) , (E 5)

2) Mathematical Logic

Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran

Time: (11:45 AM - 13PM),  Mondays, 

Location: Department of Mathematics and  Computer Sciences, classroom "204" 

Text : A Mathematical Introduction to Logic,   By: Herbert B. Enderton

Text : Logic and Structure,  By: Dirk Van Dalen