Contact Information

Address:       The Taft School                           Department of Mathematics                            and Computer Science                           Wu Math-Science Building                           110 Woodbury Road                            Watertown, CT 06795, USA
Office:         Wu 201
Phone:        (+1)-860-685-2683
E-mail:       mmirabi [at] wesleyan [dot] edu 
Office Hours: by appointment.

My name is Mostafa Mirabi (in Persian مصطفي ميرابي). I got my Ph.D. in mathematics from Wesleyan University under the supervision of Cameron Hill.  Before coming to Wesleyan University, I was a research assistant at the School of Mathematics of the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM). I obtained my B.Sc. and M.Sc. at Tehran Polytechnic (Amirkabir University of Technology) under the supervision of Massoud Pourmahdian.

Research Interests

I am interested in mathematical logic especially model theory and its application.

Check out a map of the model theory universe.



