The Nurtured Heart Approach 2-8-17

You are cordially invited to the February session of the Morris County Education Partnership, a subcommitte of the Youth Services Advisory Committee (YSAC). As a member of the selected group of individuals to advise their local school districts on available resources and community support organizations for students and their families, you are requested to attend the above noticed meeting and turn-key the information to your public agencies, school districts or non-profit organizations.

The Nurtured Heart Approach

The Nurtured Heart Approach supports adults in relating to children in ways to guide them to use their intensity successfully and positively. Through this approach, children come to see their intensity as fuel for greatness, not as a deficit or a handicap.


Frank Picone, LCSW- Rutgers-UBHC Behavioral Research & Training Insititute

Tara Prezioso, LCSW- Morris County Department of Human Services

Nacie T. Arnold, Morris County Department of Human Services

Participants will be able to:

    1. Describe the conceptual framework of the Nurtured Heart Approach
    2. Discuss the three stands of the Nurtured Heart Approach
    3. Demonstrate four ways to recognize and energize positive behaviors, within a cultural context
    4. Discuss how to effectively set and enforce clear limits when working with youth


Registration and breakfast start at 8:30am. Presentation begins promptly at 9:00am.

In case of inclement weather, please go to the Education Partnership website for information.

If you have any questions about the event or how to register, you can contact me directly. Thank you for your continued support of this collaborative effort.