Academic journals

Articles in International peer-reviewed journals

2023 Oncini, F., Rödl, M. B., Triventi, M., & Warde, A. (2023). Cultural Intolerance, in Practice: Social Variation in Food and Drink Avoidances in Italy, 2003–2016. Social Indicators Research, 1-22. 

2023 Passaretta, G. & Triventi, M. (2023). Inequality at the top. The gender earnings gap among the Italian educational elite. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 85. 

2023 Pietropoli I & Triventi M. (2023) What drives early childhood education attendance? The role of structural factors and personal beliefs in Germany. Children and Youth Services Review, 107035, 2023/5/27. 

2023 Fedeli, F. & Triventi, M. (2023) Immigrant proportion and ethno-linguistic diversity in the classroom: consequences for children’s well-being, social integration, and academic competencies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2199136.

2023 Schindler, S., …, Triventi, M. & Vallet, L.A. (2023). Educational tracking and social inequalities in long-term labor market outcomes: Six countries in comparison. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 00207152231151390. 

2023 Lievore, I., & Triventi, M. (2023). Do teacher and classroom characteristics affect the way in which girls and boys are graded? A multilevel analysis of student–teacher matched data. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 44(1), 97-122.

2023 Ghirardi G., Kleinert, C. Baier T. & Triventi M. (2022). Unequal since the beginning? How childcare amongst under-threes affects early children’s cognitive and socio-emotional skills in Germany, European Sociological Review, 39 (5), 692-707.

2023 Terrin E. & Triventi M. (2022) The Effect of School Tracking on Student Achievement and Inequality: A Meta-Analysis, Review of Educational Research, 93(2), 236-274. 

2022 Lievore I. & Triventi M. (2021). Social background and high school tracking. An empirical investigation of the mechanisms underlying educational inequality in Italy, Acta Sociologica, 65(2), 111-129. 

2022 Skopek, J., Triventi, M., & Blossfeld, H. P. (2022). How do institutional factors shape PhD completion rates? An analysis of long-term changes in a European doctoral program. Studies in Higher Education, 47(2), 318-337 .

2022 Cozzani M., Triventi M. & Bernardi F. (2021). Maternal Stress and Pregnancy Outcomes. Evidence from a natural experiment: the 2004 Madrid Train Bombings, European Sociological Review, 38(3), 390-407. 

2021 Barone C., Triventi M. & Facchini M. (2021). Social origins, tracking and occupational attainment in contemporary Italy, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12(3), 441-462. 

2021 Dian, M., & Triventi, M. (2021). The weight of school grades: Evidence of biased teachers’ evaluations against overweight students in Germany. PloS one, 16(2), e0245972.

2021 Oncini, F., & Triventi, M. (2021). Ascent of the herbivores, decline of the carnivores: The social stratification of eating profiles in Italy, 1997–2016. Poetics, online advance access 101533.

2021 Facchini M., Triventi M. & Vergolini L. (2021). Do Grants Improve the Outcomes of University Students in a Challenging Context? Evidence from a Matching Approach, Higher Education. 81(5), 917-934.

2020 Brunori C., Luijkx R. & Triventi M. (2020). Immigrants’ selectivity and their socioeconomic outcomes in the destination country: the Italian case. Population, Space and Place, Volume 26, Issue 7, e2352 

Bernardi F. & Triventi M. (2020). Compensatory advantage in educational transitions in Italy: trivial orsubstantial? A simulated scenario analysis, Acta Sociologica, 2020, Vol. 63(1) 40–62. 

Triventi M. (2020). Are children of immigrants graded differently by their teachers, and why?Evidence from compulsory education in Italy, International Migration Review, 54(3), 765-795.

Triventi M., Skopek J., Kulic N., Buchholz S. & Blossfeld H.-P. (2020). Advantage 'finds its way': How privilegedfamilies exploit opportunities in different systems of secondary education. Sociology, 54(2), 237-257.

Kulic N., Skopek J., Triventi M. & Blossfeld H.-P. (2019). Social background and children'scognitive skills. The role of Early Childhood Education and Care in aCross-National Perspective. Annual Review of Sociology, 45, pp. 557-579.

Calaresu M. & Triventi M. (2019). Governing by contract as a way to reduce crime? An impact evaluation of the large-scale policy of security pacts. Policy Sciences, 52(2), 255-279.

Blossfeld, H. P., Kulic, N., Skopek, J., Triventi, M., Kilpi-Jakonen, E., de Vilhena, D. V., & Buchholz, S. (2019). Conditions and consequences of unequal educationalopportunities in the life course: Results from the Cross-National ComparativeeduLIFE Project. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 71(1), 399-428.

Passaretta G., Trivellato P. and Triventi M. (2019). Between academia and labor market. The occupational outcomes of PhD graduates in a period of academic reforms and economic crisis, Higher Education, 77, 541–559.

Barone C., Triventi M. and Assirelli G. (2018). Explaining social inequalities in access to university: A test of rational choice mechanisms in Italy. European Sociological Review, 34 (5), 554–569.

Dämmrich J. & Triventi M. (2018). Social inequalities in cognitive-related competencies along the early life course: A comparative study. International Journal of Educational Research, 88 (March), 73–84.

Geven K., Skopek J. & Triventi M. (2018). How to increase PhD completion rates? An impact evaluation of two reforms in a selective graduate school, 1976-2012, Research in Higher Education, 59 (5), pp 529–552.

Triventi M., Vergolini L. & Zanini N. (2017). Do Individuals with High Social Background graduate from more rewarding Fields of Study? Changing Patterns before and after the ‘Bologna Process’, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 51, 28–40.

Sarti S. & Triventi M. (2017). The role of social and cognitive factors in individual gambling: An empirical study on collegestudents. Social Science Research, 62(Feb), 219-237. 

Triventi M., Panichella N., Ballarino G., Barone C. & Bernardi F. (2015). Education as a positional good. Implications for social inequalities in educational attainment in Italy, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 43 (March), pp. 39-52. 

Triventi M., J. Skopek, Y. Kosyakova, S. Buchholz & H.-P. Blossfeld (2015). Gender inequalities at labor market entry: A comparative view from the eduLIFEproject, Comparative Social Research, 31, 25-51. 

Passaretta G. & Triventi M. (2015). Work experience during higher education and post-graduation occupational outcomes. A comparative study on four European countries, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 56 (3-4), pp. 232-253.

Panichella N. & Triventi M. (2014). Social inequalities in the choice of secondary school. Long-term trends during educational expansion and reforms in Italy. European Societies, 16 (5), pp. 666-693. 

Triventi M. (2014). Does working during higher education affect students’ academic progression?, Economics of Education Review, 41, pp. 1-13. 

Ballarino G., Panichella N. & Triventi M. (2014). School expansion and uneven modernization. Comparing educational inequality in Northern and Southern Italy. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 36, pp. 69-86

Triventi M. (2014). Higher education regimes. An empirical classification of higher education systems and its relationship with student accessibility. Quality & Quantity, 48, 3, pp.1685–1703.  

Triventi M. (2013). The gender wage gap and its institutional context: A comparative analysis of European graduates. Work, Employment & Society, 27, 4, pp. 563-580.

Triventi M. (2013). Stratification in higher education and its relationship with social inequality. A comparative study on 11 European countries. European Sociological Review, 29 (3), pp. 489–502.

Triventi M. (2013). The role of higher education stratification in the reproduction of social inequality in the labour market. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 32, 2, pp. 45–63.

Triventi M. & Trivellato P. (2012). Does Graduating from a Private University make a difference? Evidence from Italy. European Journal of Education, 47, 2, pp. 263-279.

Argentin G. & Triventi M. (2011). Social Inequality in Higher Education and Labour Market in a Period of Institutional Reforms. Italy,1992-2007. Higher Education, 61, pp. 309–323 (con G. Argentin).

Triventi M. & Trivellato P. (2009). Participation, Performance and Inequality in Italian Higher Education in the 20th Century. Evidence from the Italian Longitudinal Household Survey. Higher Education, 57, pp. 681–702. (con P. Trivellato). Re-printed in: Tight, M. (Ed.) (2011). Higher Education (Major Themes), Vol. IV: System Policy, Taylor&Francis, pp. 319-347.

Articles in Italian peer-reviewed journals

Argentin G. & Triventi M. (2015). The North-South divide in school grading standards: New evidence from national assessments of theItalian student population, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(2), 157-185.

Passaretta G. & Triventi M. (2014). Il lavoro durante gli studi universitari e gli esiti occupazionali dopo la laurea. Il caso italiano in prospettiva comparata [Student employment and post-graduation occupational outcomes. The Italian case in comparative perspective].Sociologia del Lavoro, 136, pp. 203-220.  

Triventi M. (2014). Le disuguaglianze di istruzione secondo l’origine sociale: una rassegna della letteratura sul caso italiano [Educational inequalities by social background: A literature review on the Italian case]. Scuola Democratica, 2, pp. 321-342.

Triventi M. (2010). Le dinamiche delle disuguaglianze di istruzione. Origini sociali e conseguimento dei titoli di studio in 16 paesi europei, 1920-1975 [The Dynamics of Inequality in Education. Social origins and educational attainment in 16 European countries], Polis, XXIV (2), pp. 287-315.

Triventi M. (2010). Something Changes, Something Not. Long-term Trends in Gender Segregation of Fields of Study in Italy, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 5 (2), pp. 47-80.

Triventi M. (2009). Luci e ombre del dibattito sulla riforma dell’Università in Italia [Merits and Shortcomings of the Debate on the University Reform in Italy], Sociologica - Italian Journal of Sociology Online, available on the website:

Triventi M. & Trivellato P. (2008). Studio, lavoro e disuguaglianza nell’Università italiana [Study, Employment and Inequality in Italian Higher Education], Stato & Mercato, 84 (3), pp. 505-537. (with P. Trivellato).

Triventi M. & Trivellato P. (2008). Le onde lunghe dell’università italiana. Partecipazione e risultati accademici degli studenti nel Novecento[The Italian University's Long Wave: Educational Participation and Academic Results in the 20th Century], Polis, XXII (1), pp. 85–116. (with P. Trivellato).

Triventi M. (2008). Insicuri perché vulnerabili? La stratificazione sociale della paura per la criminalità in Italia [Vulnerable and Therefore Insecure? Social Stratification and Fear of Crime in Italy], Polis, XXII (3), pp. 423-450.

Triventi M. (2008). Vittimizzazione e senso di insicurezza nei confronti del crimine inItalia: un’analisi empirica sul caso italiano[Victimization and Fear of Crime: An Empirical Analysis on the Italian Case], Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza, 2 (2), pp. 137- 159.

Triventi M. (2008). Segni di inciviltà sul territorio e paura del crimine. Un’analisi dei dati dell’Indagine sulla sicurezza dei     cittadini [Incivilities and Fear of Crime. An Analysis on the Data from the Second Italian National Victimization Survey], Quaderni di sociologia, 48 (3), pp. 73-102.