
The Moran lab is committed to maintaining and promoting a diverse and inclusive environment. We believe that science is for everyone, and research shows that scientific progress and creativity is improved by our multiple perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. This view is fully supported by our university’s commitment to the values needed for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


For undergraduate research opportunities, please email me at emoran5@ucmerced.edu; include your CV/resume, and a statement describing how working in this lab would fit into your career goals.  Students may get course credit for research projects through Bio/ESS 095 or 195, or may volunteer for a few hours a week to get a taste of what research in the lab would be like.  By adding on 1 credit of Bio 197, you can fulfill the culminating experience GE credit. Paid research opportunities will be advertised through UCM jobs site.

Graduate students

I welcome applications from prospective PhD or Master's students through either the Environmental Systems or Quantitative Systems Biology graduate groups. Prospective students will be supported on lab grants (where available and appropriate) and teaching assistantships, but are also encouraged to apply for fellowships prior to graduate program admission to work on projects of their choice related to lab research priorities.

Options for outside fellowships include:

-       NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

-       American Association of University Women (AAUW) Career Development Grants

-       Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship

-        UC Mexus-CONACYT doctoral fellowships  (For Mexican students studying at UCs)

-        L'Oreal for Women in Science fellowships

If interested, please email me at emoran5@ucmerced.edu; include your CV and a short statement of your research interests.


Grant-funded postdoctoral positions will be advertised on ecolog, evoldir, and the UC Merced jobs site. If you are interested in developing an independent proposal for postdoctoral funding in my lab, please email me at emoran5@ucmerced.edu.

Some options are:

-       UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship  (US citizen or resident)

-        NSF postdoctoral fellowship in biology (US citizen or resident)

-       American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Fellowship

-       AAUW International Fellowship

-        Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (minority US citizen, resident, or AB540

-       Fulbright Fellowships

-       L'Oreal for Women in Science fellowships