
Write letters to your Members of Congress

In 2022, the bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, H.R. 2307, a bill which aligns closely with CCL’s carbon pricing principles, was introduced in Congress.  CCL fully supports this bill and is working diligently toward its passage.

 One of the most effective actions you can take is to write letters to your Members of Congress.  You can get advice about how to do this here.  After you have sent your letters, please report to our chapter (by sending an email to exactly what you have done so that we can report to the national organization.  They keep track of how many letters have been sent to Members of Congress by CCL members.

Write a Letter to the Editor

One of the best ways to influence members of Congress and move the national conversation forward on solutions to climate change is to get letters to the editor published in their local papers.  You can get good suggestions for how to write such a letter here.  After your letter has been published, please send a copy to our chapter (by sending an email to  so that we can report it to the national organization.  They keep track of how many letters to the editor have been published by CCL members.

Get an Endorsement from a Community Leader

The Monadnock CCL has obtained a Leader's Letter endorsing Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA), from the Social Justice Committee of the Peterborough Unitarian Universalist Church.  We have sent copies of that letter to our Members of Congress to demonstrate that there is community support for Carbon Fee and Dividend.  Now we need to get more endorsements for the EICDA, and you can find information about that here.

Call your Members of Congress

Members of Congress often tell us that they don't hear much about climate change or carbon fee and dividend from their constituents.  You can correct that by calling them now.  Get calling suggestions and a way to record your effort here.

Practice some laser talks 

Just as a laser is powerful and focused, a laser talk is a brief but powerful statement on a specific topic. Reading our laser talks is a great way to get an in-depth but concise education about CCL and Carbon Fee and Dividend. Laser talks are not meant to be memorized; they are meant to be internalized. Internalizing these talks will help you respond in your own words to common concerns about our policy raised by the public and members of Congress alike.  Find the laser talks here.  Plan to talk with your friends and neighbors about CCL and Carbon Fee and Dividend when you feel comfortable with a few laser talks.

Ask your select board to sign a resolution

Check out this resolution that was signed by the members of the Peterborough Select Board in March of 2017.  In 2007, 164 New Hampshire towns passed a climate change resolution at their town meetings.  Since so many towns passed this earlier resolution, their select boards should be willing to sign a new resolution to remind higher levels of government to take action. You may use the Peterborough resolution as a model for persuading the select boards of your towns to act.

Print some Monadnock Chapter CCL tri-folds to distribute at events

When you go to meetings, marches, and other events, take some pamphlets with you to hand out.  You can print them from the attached brochure.

Lobby your Members of Congress with a CCL group

If you will be going to the office of a Member of Congress (MOC), either in Washington or in New Hampshire, CCL Community has a lot of very helpful advice on this page.   It can be very useful to review this information before you meet with your MOC or staffers.