Mexican Indepence: Bicentennial Videos

In 2010 various branches of the Mexican National Government produced a series of videos to celebrate the bicentennial of Mexico's independence movement, which began

with Fa

ther Hidalgo's "Grito de Dolores" on September 16, 1810. Follow this link to access the series of short videos. Each one presents the story of a significant figure in the independence movement, or to significant events. What type of perspectives do the videos provide? How do you think that they might be different if they had not been produced by government officials?

The embedded video is a brief, 5 minute overview that was produced by the same bicentennial project.


"Miguel Hidalgo con estandarte" by Antonio Fabres - imagen tomada de: Eduardo Báez, La pintura militar de México en el siglo XIX, México, Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, 1992, p.23. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons -