Dec Meeting: Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Post date: Nov 28, 2017 12:55:46 PM

Topic: Data practices and records management regarding social media

Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Time: 8:30am – 10:30am

Speaker: You!

Together we will view the webinar Lions and Tigers and Twitter Oh My and share our own agency’s practices regarding social media. The MN-GRIN coordinating committee has come up with some questions to get the conversation started.

Location: 90 West Plato Boulevard, St Paul, MN (Plato Conference Room - turn right and right again, around the security desk, to enter the conference center)

Getting there:

Accessible by bus - 62, 75, or a short walk from 68 and 71. In the 50cent downtown zone, if you are in downtown St. Paul.

Exit from Lafayette Road / US 52. Free Parking.

Long distance participation: If you cannot join us in person, you can Skype in. Please test this link ahead of time and let me (katherine.dugarm@CO.RAMSEY.MN.US) know if you have difficulty. We can figure it out ahead of time.

Also, if you join us on Skype please mute your phone until the webinar is done.


à Join Skype Meeting

On behalf of your MN-GRIN coordinating committee,

Katherine DuGarm, MSLS, MSTM

Supervisor, Health & Wellness Administration Client Information Center

Data Analysis, Records, Central Scanning

phone: 651-266-3630