Research group

Current members of my group

Julien C. Piquet

2022-current. Postdoctoral Researcher. PhD: Evolutionary impacts of invasive species upon the endemic canarian lizards. IPNA-CSIC & University of La Laguna. Co-director: Manual Nogales

Borja Maestresalas Andueza

2020-current. PhD student.PhD: Biology and ecology of the invasive snake Lampropeltis californiae. IPNA-CSIC & University of La Laguna

Mercedes López González

2020-current. Researcher on the project Lamproimpact.

Past PhD researchers

Julien C. Piquet

2017-2022. PhD: The perils of an invasive snake: the California Kingsnake in the Canary Islands. Co-director: Manuel Nogales. University of La Laguna-CSIC

Annemarie van der Marel

2014-2019. PhD: Life history traits, social organisation and the drivers of sociality in an invasive ground squirrel. Director: Jane M. Waterman2020- current. Postdoctoral researcher at Hobson's Lab, University of Cincinnati

Past employees, Bachelor's or Master's students

Almudena Castro2020-2021
Ricard Campodarbe i Reig 2019 
Eva Sofía Baumgartner2017
Natalia R. Díaz Luis2017
Julien C. Piquet2016
Jonay Cubas2016
Danielle Stauton2014
Ezra Lucas2014
Verónica Gómez-Purroy2014