Papers and publications

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Koob, Sigrid and Mogens K. Justesen (2023). Fighting for a better life: Protest and public opinion in South Africa. 

Justesen, Mogens K., Sigrid Koob, and Sina Smid (2023). Progammatic Redistribution and Clientelism: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Brazil. 

Justesen, Mogens K., Louise Thorn Bøttkjær, Scott Gates, and Jacob Gerner Hariri (2021). ’Electoral clientelism, beliefs, and the secret ballot’. 

Justesen, Mogens K., and Isabela Mares (2019). 'Clientelism and voter mobilization: The impact of positive and negative inducements'. 

Bøttkjær, Louise Thorn and Mogens K. Justesen (2018). ’Buying the votes of the poor: How the electoral system matters’.


Justesen, Mogens J. and Stanislav Markus (2024). 'Tycoon Candidates, Electoral Strategies, and Voter Support: A Survey Experiment in South Africa', forthcoming in Business and Politics. Available here

Hariri, Jacob Gerner and Mogens K. Justesen (2024). "Institutions, Democracy, and Economic Development", forthcoming in Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions, eds. Adrian Vatter and Rahel Freiburghaus. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.  

Woller, Anders, Mogens K. Justesen and Jacob Gerner Hariri (2023). 'The cost of voting and the cost of votes'. Journal of Politics 85(2), 593-608. Available here

Justesen, Mogens K. and Luigi Manzetti (2023). 'Poverty, partisanship, and vote buying'.  Latin American Politics and Society 65(3), 1-19. Available here.

Dawson, Stephen, Nicholas Charron, and Mogens K. Justesen (2023). 'Clientelism and electoral competition: Evidence from local elections in South Africa'. Democratization 30(3), 479-500. Available here (open access). 

Alexander, Amy, Nicholas Charron, and Mogens K. Justesen (2023). 'Female representation and electoral clientelism: New insights from South African municipal elections'. Electoral Studies 83 (April), 102580. Available here (open access).

Guerra, Alice and Mogens K. Justesen (2022). 'Vote buying and redistribution´. Public Choice 193, 315-344. Available here (open access). 

Egerod, Benjamin Carl Kragh and Mogens K. Justesen (2022). 'Asset specificity, corporate protection and trade policy'. British Journal of Political Science 52(3), 1472-1481. Available here

Bøttkjær, Louise T and Mogens K. Justesen (2021). 'Why do voters support corrupt politicians? Experimental evidence from South Africa'. Journal of Politics 83(2), 788-793. Available here. Paper also available here and online appendix here.

Citi, Manuele and Mogens K. Justesen (2021). ‘Redistribution in a political union: The case of the EU’. European Journal of Political Research 60(2), 317-338. Available here

Gates, Scott and Mogens K. Justesen (2020). 'Political trust, shocks, and accountability: Quasi-experimental evidence from a rebel attack. Journal of Conflict Resolution 64(9), 1693-1723. Available here.  

Justesen, Mogens K. And Collette Schultz-Herzenberg (2018). ’The decline of the African National Congress in South Africa’s 2016 municipal elections’, Journal of Southern African Studies 44(6), 1133-1151. 

Citi, Manuele and Mogens K. Justesen (2016). 'Institutional constraints, legislative activism, and policy change: The case of the European Union'. European Journal of Political Research 55(3), 609-625. 

Hariri, Jacob Gerner, Christian Bjørnskov, and Mogens K. Justesen (2016). 'Economic shocks and subjective well-being: Evidence from a quasi-experiment'. World Bank Economic Review 30(1), 55-77. Appendix. Also available as World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. WPS 7209

Justesen, Mogens K. (2015). 'Making and breaking property rights: Coalitions, veto players, and the institutional foundation of markets'. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 171(2), 238-262. Appendix 

Justesen, Mogens K. (2015). 'Too poor to care? The salience of AIDS in Africa'. Political Research Quarterly 68(1), 89-103. Supplementary material

Citi, Manuele and Mogens K. Justesen (2014). 'Measuring and explaining regulatory reform in the EU: A time series analysis of eight sectors, 1984-2012'. European Journal of Political Research 53(4), 709-726. Appendix. 

Justesen, Mogens K. and Christian Bjørnskov (2014). 'Exploiting the poor: Bureaucratic corruption and poverty in Africa'. World Development 58(June), 106-115. Appendix

Jensen, Peter S. and Mogens K. Justesen (2014). 'Poverty and vote buying: Survey-based evidence from Africa'. Electoral Studies 33(1), 220-232. Online appendix.

Justesen, Mogens K. (2014). 'Better safe than sorry: How property rights and veto players jointly affect economic growth'. Comparative Politics 46(2), 147-167. Online appendix

Justesen, Mogens K. and Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard (2013). 'Institutional interactions and economic growth: The joint effects of property rights, veto players and democratic capital'. Public Choice 157(3-4), 449-474. 

Justesen, Mogens K. (2012). 'Democracy, dictatorship, and disease: Political regimes and HIV/AIDS'. European Journal of Political Economy 28(3), 373-389. Online appendix

Justesen, Mogens K. (2010). 'Political dilemmas and the institutional foundation of economic development'. World Political Science Review 6(4) article 8, 1-20

Justesen, Mogens K. (2008). 'The effect of economic freedom on growth revisited: New evidence on causality from a panel of countries, 1970-1999'. European Journal of Political Economy 24(3), 642-660.

Justesen, Mogens K. (2007). 'The social choice of EU Treaties: Discrepancies between voter preferences and referenda outcomes in Denmark', European Union Politics 8(4), 537-53

Kurrild-Klitgaard, Peter, Mogens K. Justesen, and Robert Klemmensen (2006). 'The political economy of freedom, democracy and transnational terrorism', Public Choice 128(1-2), 289-315.


Publications in Danish journals/volumes

Justesen, Mogens K. and Robert Klemmensen (2014). 'Sammenligning af sammenlignelige observationer: kausalitet, matching og observationsdata'. Politica 46(1), 60-78.

Justesen, Mogens K. and Robert Klemmensen (2014, eds.). Empiriske metoder til studiet af kausalitet i statskundskaben. Politica 46(1), Special Issue on causality in political science.

Justesen, Mogens K. (2013). 'Jagten på velstand: Institutioner, politisk magtdeling og økonomisk vækst'. Politologisk Årbog 2012-2013 (ed. Carsten Jensen), pp. 35-37. København Hans Reitzels Forlag. Also available @ 

Justesen, Mogens K. (2010). 'Empirisk analyse af kollektiv handling: Nobelprisen 2009 til Elinor Ostrom'. Tidsskriftet Politik 13(4), 55-63

Justesen, Mogens K. (2009). 'Politiske institutioner og det institutionelle fundament for økonomisk udvikling'. Politica 41(1), 5-23.

Justesen, Mogens K. (2006). 'Politiske institutioner og økonomisk vækst'. Politica 38(3), 317-37.

Justesen, Mogens K. (2004). ’Folkets valg? Folkeafstemninger, vælgerpræferencer og kollektiv rationalitet – en social choice-teoretisk analyse af Maastricht og Edinburgh-afstemningerne’. Økonomi & Politik 77(1), 34-46.   


PhD dissertation

Justesen, Mogens K. (2009). Political Institutions, Property Rights, and the Quest for Prosperity: How Political Institutions Shape the Economic Performance of Nations. Department of Political Science, University of Southern Denmark.