

  • DSEB Education Prize at CBS 2017 for "... extraordinary contributions to program development and teaching..." at the Copenhagen Business School. For more information, see here and here.
  • The Wicksell Prize 2006. Awarded to the best paper presented by an author under 30 years of age at the annual meeting of European Public Choice Society 2006, Turku, Finland.
    • The award was received for the paper 'The social choice of EU treaties: Discrepancies between voter preferences and referenda outcomes in Denmark', later published in European Union Politics 8(4), 537-54.
  • Best paper in Danish journal Politica in the year 2009.
    • Award was received for the paper 'Politiske dilemmaer og det institutionelle fundament for økonomisk udvikling'
    • An English version of the paper is published in World Political Science Review as 'Political dilemmas and the institutional foundation of economic development'.

Reviewer activities

I have reviewed papers for the following journals:

  • American Journal of Political Science
  • American Political Science Review
  • British Journal of Political Science
  • Comparative Political Studies
  • Conflict Management and Peace Science
  • Contemporary Economic Policy
  • Economics & Politics
  • Economics of Governance
  • European Journal of Political Economy
  • European Journal of Political Research
  • European Union Politics
  • Governance
  • Journal of Conflict Resolution
  • Journal of Development Studies
  • Journal of Peace Research
  • Journal of Politics
  • International Interactions
  • Politica
  • Political Behavior
  • Political Research Quarterly
  • Politikon: The South African Journal of Political Studies
  • Public Choice
  • Social Science Quarterly
  • Tidsskriftet Politik