
Please do contact me for any missing references and other comments. Note that several things below are about to be updated, and there is at least one overlap in content (I have been unable to work at full capacity for quite a long period but am back).

"Equilibrium Analysis in Behavioral One-Sector Growth Models" (with Daron Acemoglu), Review of Economics Studies 91, 599-640, 2024.  DOWNLOAD PDF (final working paper version including the full Online Appendix C).

Matlab code, Figure 5, Panel C (computes Markov equilibrium in quasi-hyperbolic model in the "unconventional case" where higher capital taxes increase income per capita). This is based on a simple and extremely fast "renewal process" version of the Ego Loss algorithm illustrated in the video below.

"The Plague, The Skill Premium and the Road to Modern Economic Growth"  (with Rui Luo), Macroeconomic Dynamics (forthcoming). DOWNLOAD PDF. MATLAB FILES AND DATA (the main simulation is Calibration_final.m and the counterfactual is Calibration_counterfactual.m).

"Does Heterogeneity Stifle Competition? An Aggregative Games Analysis", DOWNLOAD PDF (currently being R&R'ed so if you are interested in the topic do check back for an improved version).

"Diversity and Incentivized Team Performance", March 2022. DOWNLOAD PDF. Computational files.

"The Ego Loss Approach to Dynamic Inconsistency", DOWNLOAD PDF (June 2021 version)

Note that the paper is undergoing a substantial rewrite but this will not impact the computational algorithms (which are final/complete). For computational/Matlab files, please send me an email. See also above under "Equilibrium Analysis in Behavioral One-Sector Growth Models" for computational files that are based on a special case of this paper's algorithm.

demonstration video.mp4

This video clip gives a brief demonstration of the Matlab implementation of the numerical algorithm in the quasi-hyperbolic model.

Please contact me for the Matlab implementation  (this will also be placed here when it is in a more final state).

"On the Strategic Benefits of Diversity", July 2020. DOWNLOAD PDF  Note that I am currently revising this paper, placing a strict focus on diversity (as opposed to productivity differences). Some of the game-theoretical material has been moved over to the paper "Does Heterogeneity Stifle Competition?" which specifically looks at how heterogeneity interacts with competition. That issue --- when viewed on its own --- is in fact more relevant for IO. It also plays a role for diversity's impact on teamwork, however, but an indirect role (ability-dispersion's impact is modulated by the incentive mechanism; if it is competitive in particular).

"Evolutionary Games and Matching Rules" (with Alexandros Rigos), International Journal of Game Theory 47, 707-735, 2018. (open access, to download click journal link).

"Distributional Comparative Statics", The Review of Economic Studies 85, 581-610, 2018. DOWNLOAD PDF 

    Online Appendix "The Class of k-Convex Functions",  DOWNLOAD PDF 

"Aggregative Games", A survey of the aggregative games liturature pubslihed in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization (eds. L.C. Corchón and M. A. Marini), Edward Alger, 2018. DOWNLOAD PDF (please note that this is the final draft).

"Existence, Uniqueness, and Comparative Statics in Contests", in Equilibrium Theory for Cournot Oligopolies and Related Games: Essays in Honour of Koji Okuguchi (eds. P.v. Mouche and F. Quartieri), pages 233-241, Springer Series in Game Theory, Springer, May 2016. DOWNLOAD PDF.  

"Robust Comparative Statics in Large Dynamic Economies" (with Daron Acemoglu), Journal of Political Economy 123, 587-640, 2015  The working paper version referred to in the paper can be downloaded either here (NBER) or here .

"Aggregate Comparative Statics" (with Daron Acemoglu), Games and Economic Behavior 81, 27-49, 2013 The working paper version referred to in the paper can be downloaded here. A nice summary of this paper's main conclusions (not written by us) can be found on the "A Fine Theorem" blog

"Global Stability and the 'Turnpike' in Optimal Unbounded Growth Models", Journal of Economic Theory 147, 802-832, 2012.DOWNLOAD PDF

"Stability of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium and Best-Response Potential Games" (with Daisuke Oyama),   (I previously had this paper posted but it needs a major overhaul and will be posted again a.s.a.p).

"Robust Comparative Statics in Large Static Games" (with Daron Acemoglu), IEEE Proceedings on Decision and Control 49, 2010. DOWNLOAD PDF

"Aggregative Games and Best-Reply Potentials", Economic Theory 43, 45-66, 2010DOWNLOAD PDF 

A couple of errors in the published manuscipt are corrected in this erratum: DOWNLOAD PDF. The working paper version of the paper can be downloaded HERE (the working paper is quite different from the ET version).

  "Life-Cycle Savings, Bequest, and a Diminishing Impact from Scale on Growth" (with Carl-Johan Dalgaard), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33, 1639-1647, 2009. DOWNLOAD PDF

"Unbounded Growth with Heterogenous Consumers", Journal of Mathematical Economics 42, 807-826, 2006. DOWNLOAD PDF


"Large Dynamic Economies with Aggregate Uncertainty" (with Daron Acemoglu).

“Distributional Comparative Statics in the War of Attrition” (with David Myatt and Chris Wallace). Note that this is a working title only. For a background paper click here.

OTHER STUFF: Please ask if you would like any of the drafts

"Existence, Comparative Statics, and Stability in Games with Strategic Substitutes",  

"Monotone Dynamic Programming

(I am at some point going to rewrite this paper and submit it to a mathematics journal - don't know when I'll be done though!)

A version of this paper which includes the complete proof of theorem 1 can be downloaded here: