
Hello! Welcome to the website of Dr Rui Luo.

I am working as a Teaching Fellow in Economics in the Nottingham University Business School, China at University of Nottingham Ningbo China, part of the global network of University of Nottingham.

I used to work as an Associate Lecturer in Economics in the School of Economics and Finance at the University of St. Andrews from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020. I am a Macroeconomist and I did my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Martin Kaae Jensen and Dr. Piercarlo Zanchettin at the University of Leicester. I was awarded a PhD in Economics on 17th of January 2019.

My research focuses on the skill premium in late medieval and early modern England (and more generally, Western Europe) and the poverty in contemporary developing countries. Together with Martin Kaae Jensen, we study the evolution of the skill premium in England in the very long historical period ranging from late medieval era to the eve of industrial revolution (ca 1300 to 1760) and analyze the implications that the skill premium had for the pre-modern development in England. My new direction of research is to study the effect of government's pandemic-specific policies (i.e. use revenue from tax and issuing bond to bailout firms at risk) on Macroeconomy. Detailed information can be found on my research webpage.

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