
All information for Missouri can be found here on this front page - or along the left side - under links for cities, counties, MISC, or a few select agencies and dispatch centers - 2/18/2023

we need to get all of this info from this website over to the prime zerg90 website - somehow - so that the search engine works goodly over there - 3/15/2024


https://apps1.mo.gov/fsreg/dl.ashx?f=report&k=fdco&o=pdf - list of Missouri FDs - see MISC also - (10/1/2020 list as of 10/5/2020) - (8/31/2020 list as of 9/14/2020) - (8/30/2021 as of 9/4/2021) ... (4/14/2022 as of 4/15/2022] ...  (4/20/2022 as of 4/25/2022 ... maybe is updated weekly]

https://data.mo.gov/Public-Safety/Missouri-Fire-Departments/gbr4-c765/data - online database of Missouri FDs - or try - https://data.mo.gov/Public-Safety/Missouri-Fire-Departments/gbr4-c765 - and then click on VIEW DATA - 9/14/2020

web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://www.mochiefs.org/Documents/2010%20Fire%20Departments%20by%20county.pdf  - 2010 list of FDs by county - from MO Fire Chiefs Assoc - 7/7/2023

https://emsweb1.dhss.mo.gov/mars/ - list of EMS in Missouri - see MISC also

auditor.mo.gov/  - state auditor website - enter name of any fire agency in search - get financial reports and tax rates - 2/21/2023