Parents resources

Interactive activities - from Ms Lebel (Apps, coding, games to play with your child, ...)

DIY Fun home Math Kit for beginners or Orison Orchards ideas

English documents:

Math for love (transform how math is taught and learned)

Game ideas for parents : Help your child learn math Card and dice games from Box and one eyed jacks

LearningApps activities

Teach Kids To Code: A Parent’s Comprehensive Guide

Resources for parents from Youcubed (Parents’ Beliefs about Math Change Their Children’s Achievement, and more...)

Doing math with your child

How to communicate with your child's teacher

French documents:

From Science and Mathematics in action (SMAC): FREE and very interesting: download the document Comment accompagner son enfant dans l'apprentissage des mathématiques by clicking here (voir pages 28 à 36 pour des idées d'activités).

Allo-prof parents

7 activités pour aimer les maths

Le défi des devoirs et leçons

10 trucs simples pour améliorer la capacité d’attention et l’autocontrôle chez L'Enfant

Guides pratiques from School Success (apprendre ses tables, aide aux devoirs, du primaire au secondaire, stress et anxiété, and more...)

Online free resources

MELS links

General MELS resources


Secondary School

Extra help ($)