
I finally received a notice on Lacey's suspension/home-bound instruction. I received it the day before home-bound was to begin with NO information on how home-bound worked, what time, would it be at home or at school (as I heard it sometimes is.) When I emailed to find out what was going on, why hadn't I received ANY information? The head of the child study team LIED and said she gave me all the information. My reply to that was WHY would I ask for it if I had it?? This is what was sent to me.

While I know that the word "multiple" can mean any number more than one, I feel its pretty obvious that it was written in a way to make it appear as though she went on a rampage, to make it as severe in wording as possible.

My team and I requested a CST meeting to revisit the results of their last class change. That meeting was scheduled for May 10th, 2018. However she was suspended and placed on home-bound before the meeting, I wrote an email stating that the upcoming meeting would be pointless UNLESS it was to discuss her being placed into a School that could suit her needs. The head of the child study team told me that the meeting was to discuss her progress with the class change and that I could cancel if I wanted. I received a letter stating I was invited to their review of Lacey's IEP and on of the things being decided on was "an appropriate placement." Which is exactly what I wanted. I sent an email the night before reminding them my team and I would be attending. The next morning, morning of the meeting I received an email stating they canceled the meeting because I had canceled, I NEVER canceled the meeting!

Lacey is now back in the hospital program. Today is her first day. She was happy this morning, I think she's been really struggling with being alone, no friends, no classmates.

I opened a letter from the CST this morning, it came yesterday, but I struggle with any correspondence from them, some how I know it's going to ruin my day. I was however pleasantly surprised. Some mail I will be looking forward to.

I've also been informed that the school is going on tours, at least one so far, to another public school to decide if its suitable for Lacey. They emailed me talking about this other school and its reputation for its behavioral program and 'invited me' to attend. Knowing I have transportation issues that require time for me to come up with transportation and that my team has busy schedules and also require time for all 3 of them to come together on dates and times. So they are touring schools with me, deciding what's best for Lacey without me, and it's pretty clear regardless of what we think or feel they are going to do what they want. WHY do I have to keep reminding them this is about more then behavior, oh that's right, they don't recognize her diagnosis.

LOst My team!

Because of the schools insistence on the hospital program, I've been notified that I'm loosing my team effective May 23rd. The school wins again, I'm on my own.