Lacey's Story

Meet my 7-year-old granddaughter, Miss Lacey Lynne, whom I now have legal custody of. She comes from a home where opioids and drugs were a serious problem and she sadly wasn’t getting a whole lot of attention or care for the first 4 years of her life. She wasn’t bottle or potty trained until she came with my husband and I at 4 years and one month old. I realized early on that Lacey was in need of some counselling and extra care. But given her age not many would step up to help her. We ended up with one counselling place who passed her around, some not knowing how to handle her age, some her needs and one particularly evil woman told me she was a lost cause and to just put her in a institution, They ended up putting her on two meds, respiradone and clonidine within 24 hours, Lacey was in the ER having had a bad reaction to one or both, her lips had turned purple and she collapsed. We never went back to that place again. After that we ended up calling the mobile crisis unit I believe 3 times. She was then referred to another agency who gave her a in-home play therapist for only 8 weeks. Shortly after that we were able to get her a CMO worker who was able to put a in-home therapist in place once again (for longer then 8 weeks).

Fast forward and Lacey is now in first grade. She was recently put on home-bound instruction, receiving only 2 hours of instruction a day. I have no recourse to fight this decision, or most decisions involving her education since the Principal and the Superintendent are the SAME person. We had gone to the Principal in the past to discuss the Child Study Team's refusal to acknowledge Lacey's diagnosis of autism by a psychiatrist at an area hospital's behavioral program she attended for approx. 6 months immediately prior to her being placed into the school at the age of 4 years and 10 months old. The head of The Child Study Team at the time, also the school psychologist, who had visited Lacey ONE time for approx. ONE hour at the behavioral program, had stated in he had saw no signs of autism (hand flapping or rocking, stereotypical guidelines for autism) therefore it wasn't an accurate diagnosis and refused to add it to her IEP. We also informed them that she was diagnosed by Agency, with autism, ADHD and attachment disorder. They ignored us and instead opted to sign off on the generic diagnosis of "emotionally disturbed." In my opinion this was done to leave the door open to suspend her and get rid of her in the future should she become an inconvenience to them, which they did. My husband and I spoke to the principal in great length, at which time she assured us she would attend the next Child Study Team meeting and her only concern was for Lacey and what's best for her. We arrived for that meeting and were told that the principal had suddenly had a family emergency that very morning and instead sent an assistant Principal. Someone who we had never seen before, someone who we had not discussed our side of the situation with and someone who was 100% against everything we had to say and another who ignored all the paperwork we had. So, who do we go to? The Superintendent? That’s what most people would do in this situation, but at this school what would be the point? This school is also its own district, containing no other schools. My husband and I fully informed the school before they enrolled her, that Lacey had severe behavior problems. We informed them that Lacey could be combative, physical and at times partake in self-harm. They kept maintaining that they could handle her, and everything would be fine. They then made the decision to put Lacey in mainstream kindergarten despite all the information they had on her behaviors, as well as the fact that she had come directly from the behavioral program and had been told the mobile crisis unit had been called out for her approx. 3 times. When we asked about the option of special education, we were told that was not a good option, as their special education class consists of various ages and grades and with her being 4, would not be good for her. Lacey was placed in mainstream kindergarten, yet they labeled her as being in "pre-k". A couple months in, when her behaviors surfaced, they would "tweak" her class schedule and offer "behavior mods” (bribes imo) to get her to behave and comply. After we were able to prove through her classwork coming home that Lacey was simply handed papers and permitted to just doodle all day, learning absolutely nothing they assigned her a 1-1 aide. Last school year, her full year of Kindergarten, was more of the same, her behaviors would surface, and they would change her class or send her out for certain classes. With every change, came a great struggle for Lacey having to adjust to new teachers, new kids, leaving friends, trying to make new ones, new schedules which I told them was not good for her, Lacey does better with structure. But they continued the changes, continued the behavior mods giving her more and more of a reason to misbehave in my opinion. The worse she was, the more they offered. They would also write in a book to let us know how things went for the day which was started in the beginning (pre-k). We would sign the book and return every day. Which was especially good when Lacey started with her in-home therapist. The therapist would go through the book and if an issue happened at school, the therapist could work on that with her in the hopes of preventing that incident from happening again. The book worked wonders, well until Lacey was placed in the special education class full time approx. the last two months of the school year. I had met the teacher beforehand, she informed us that she isn't much for "book writing" which I didn't think much of because it was my understanding that the aide was the one doing the book writing any way. However, the book was repeatedly being sent home empty or just showed things like "wear sneakers tomorrow for gym" I spoke with The Child Study Team as to why I was no longer getting any feedback. She assured me she would “look into it.” This continued the remainder of the year. Now onto this school year, before it began I was contacted by the CST telling me that after speaking with the special education teacher they felt Lacey was once again ready for mainstream. I responded, that while it was great that the special education teacher thought Lacey was doing well I, in NO way believed two months of special education had magically cured her of her behaviors and helped her needs as I had JUST reenlisted the help of a CMO and in-home therapy through the mobile crisis unit due to behaviors. They still made a few attempts after, I flat out refused to agree. During the first few months of school, I again had trouble getting the same special education teacher to cooperate. I wrote repeatedly and all but PLEADED with them to please write in the book. A few days would go by with things written and then nothing again. On one occasion when I complained, the book came home on a Monday and it read: Monday study spelling, Tuesday study spelling, Wednesday study spelling ...the whole week pre-written out and absolutely no mention of behavior. I complained again, next was a little piece of paper, pre-printed with 4 options. I once again complained, stating that I needed to know what happened otherwise we have NO idea what to work on and that just checking the boxes like good day or bad day, gave me no information on WHY it was a bad day. Even the Therapist, who had gone to the school to monitor Lacey and talk with her teacher and aide, explained fully why we wanted/needed the book written information. They claimed they understood, however still no compliance. When I questioned why her aide could not write in the book, as her previous aide had. I was sent a rather nasty note by the teacher telling me it was NOT the aide's job to do it, it was hers (yet she would not). Finally came the CST meeting, When my team (CMO, FSO, in-home therapist and myself) questioned the teacher in person as to why she was so adamant about not writing in the book, the teacher became frustrated and annoyed stating "I am not a RAT, I'm NOT going to tell on her and get her punished!" Perhaps one of the most ridiculous responses I never expected to hear. It was NEVER about punishment, it was ALWAYS about therapy. I then requested Lacey be removed from her class as it was clear she was never going to assist in helping Lacey with her therapy. After this, things got far worse. They began shifting her classes numerous times and Lacey began getting more and more frustrated and combative.

After all, who wouldn't feel unwanted, who wouldn't feel like there was no place for them anywhere in this kind of situation? Once again, they tried upping the behavior mods, offering more and offering them more often, she learned to take advantage of the incentives, then act up at the end of the day once she had collected her gifts for the day. One day she became combative and physical, they wanted me to pick her up. I could not, I had no transportation. The wind up was they called the mobile crisis unit, who picked me up and we went to the school. It was snowing, cold and windy, we were told by the office to walk around back and collect Lacey out a side door. I'm guessing she was too much of an embarrassment for them to allow us to lead her through the school and instead wanted us to make her walk through a snow storm. It was then the mobile unit told them they needed to meet on location to discuss exactly what occurred after all it was the school who had called. To which the office worker replied that she was not informed of such a meeting. The mobile unit informed then that is how it is done, and they are not a transportation service, picking me up was something that had never done before but given the circumstances they did, but could not transport Lacey and I home, no car seat. It was then decided Lacey would be put on a list to re-enter the behavioral program. The SAME behavior program who psychiatrist, diagnosed Lacey with autism in the first place. The school found their diagnosis faulty before but now find them to be the cure all answer. It was later found out that the reason for Lacey's outburst that day had been a lunch aide, annoyed that Lacey's was shaking her grapes in her hand, snatched them from her and slammed them into the trash can. On another occasion, Lacey had gotten away from her aide and ran out of the building. The aide was an older woman who could not catch her. I questioned why they would give her an aide who was incapable of catching her when she was a known runner. Luckily Lacey chose to run to her bus and bus driver instead of running into the parking lot that was, at the time full of cars and buses pulling in to pick up kids, it was the end of the day. I was not informed of this until the next day. She was given a new aide but once again ran away from this one and ran to her bus, the aide was busy assisting another student instead of the one she was hired to care for (Lacey). This incident was never reported to me by the school, I was told by someone who witnessed it.

April 5th, I received a phone call from the head of the CST telling me Lacey was again physical and combative and asked me to talk with her, which I did. I received another phone call later the same day telling me that Lacey had one more chance and that if she became physical one more time she would be placed on home-bound. I spoke with Lacey that night and the next morning, I received no phone calls that day and believed all must have went well. Until I got a call approx. 10 minutes after Lacey got home, from the head of the CST telling me Lacey had hit two students, a boy and a girl, they claimed she hit in the back. I was informed Lacey would be suspended and then immediately put on home-bound. When I asked Lacey, what happened with the two students, she said she tapped a girls book bag, who she is very close to. The BOOK BAG, not the BACK. When I asked about the boy, she had no idea what I was talking about, and has denied it repeatedly. This school has a reputation for cherry picking undesirables, and by that, I mean certain special needs kids and weeding them out. I find this to be discrimination. They were told of Lacey's issues and chose to accept her, then put her through 2 and a half years of being tossed around like a hot potato that no one wanted to be stuck with. They have hindered her therapy and made her much worse than she was. They are not equipped to handle her or her needs. And WHY arent they? In this day and age why aren't all schools kept to the same standards? They made her worse causing her to believe that no teacher wanted her, that she didn't fit in anywhere, and now they TOSS her out like she no longer matters. The worse things got the more her eating habits became erratic, eating more and more and now that they’ve completely kicked her out its gotten far worse. She is trying to eat constantly leading me to believe there’s a potential eating disorder beginning.

Other issues involving the school include recently I was told Lacey had to be restrained, A note from the nurse stated that Lacey was checked, and no marks were present. As soon as Lacey got home and took off her coat her in-home therapist and I immediately found marks on her lower arm that were VERY noticeable. I immediately took a picture and sent to The Child Study Team, who did not get back to me until I emailed her again the next day requesting she call me at her earliest convenience. She called stating that Lacey may have gotten them (marks) at another point in the day. Lacey was very adamant that those marks were cause by a certain special education teacher whom she called by name, who happened to be in the hallway, grabbing her arm and even demonstrated HOW. The marks, I believe were caused by this teacher, while I am aware that accidents happen, the fact remains that as special education teacher, I would THINK she would be properly trained on how to restrain a child. The marks were bruises and therefore had some strength involved.

According to her IEP Lacey is supposed to have a 1-1 aide. This has been a bone of contention for quite some time, none of them appear to have been trained in teaching or handling special needs students. I have only been told that, "They try their best." I have had numerous concerns if the aides were even working with her, or even sitting with her in a 1-1 capacity, as called for in her IEP, or if they just sit there, as I have been told that she is allowed to come and go as she pleases and do whatever work she wants to, with no apparent encouragement or reinforcement from the aide, except maybe pretty pencils. I have also asked for the aide to attend Lacey's IEP meetings only to be told they weren't available, when that would have been as valuable in the meeting as her teacher since the aide is supposedly with Lacey all day. This year I found the aide situation to be a complete farce since Lacey didn't appear have a 1-1 aide but rather had only classroom aides who worked with everyone. When I asked Lacey who her aide was she shrugged said “I don’t have one.” When I questioned this, I was led to believe she had 3 different aides rotating 3-4 times a day. Which is harder on Lacey as STRUCTURE and CONSISTENCY are VERY important to Lacey as with most special education students.

They have refused her speech therapy over and over, even though doctor's have stated she needs it, including a neurologist. (example: Lacey will say SING instead of THING) It is obviously affecting her ability in language to succeed at the same rate as others. Thus, not giving her equal opportunity at success. Even if there is no LEGAL obligation required to work on her speech at this time, I would think there would be a MORAL obligation to help kids when its affecting their ability to learn. When a special needs child can't say, read or understand the work properly, they get frustrated and lash out.

The nurse at this school who has tortured us so badly to such an extent that I had to stop her from contacting us directly. Calling me and sending notes home demanding Lacey’s custody papers when I had already worked it out with the office (office issue not a nurse issue), telling me how to dress Lacey, saying Lacey needed to wear leggings only for bathroom reasons when even her jeans were a stretch waist band. diagnosing Lacey with certain conditions when she had already been to doctor or hospital, then demanding to see my confidential hospital paper work. Falsely accusing us of having bed bugs. The list goes on.

They refusal to send home an incident report when Lacey was hit by a boy.

The multiple times Lacey was hit by other kids and I had to find out from her, not a word from them.

The fact that anyone can walk up to the kids on the playground undetected for, My Husband and I had done it, and been there long enough to have Lacey introduce me to her little friend, before anyone noticed, after she attempted several times to jump the fence to get to me while we were parking. NO aide in sight. *This was the day before the Parkland School shooting.

This is just some of what we've been through. When this first began, I was skeptical, but after a while I had no desire to remove Lacey from the school. I was hopeful that her needs would be met. Hopeful because I was led to believe that. Led to believe that when it came down to it, things would be put into place to give her the best possible education. I have never been so wrong. This was a complete waste of her time, my time and the ladies of my team that have been working so hard to help her outside of that building.

Now they are suggesting other schools to place Lacey in, schools I’ve already declined due to their extremely poor reputations. Schools that are known for not focusing on education and known for numerous fights among the students. The kids in these schools are labeled delinquents and lost to society. I CANNOT have this for my granddaughter. She deserves a chance at a decent school who cares about teaching special needs kids. This school should have never enrolled her to start with and allowed us to take her some where else from the beginning.