The Baron Gastone House by Rino

The Baron Gastone House by Rino

HEXEN 2 Single player Maps Created and designed by me, in the year 2018 , rework map rossi. bsp, named "Atrio del Cavaliere della Carestia" from the first Mission Pack by Rino - I done a new short map, a storyline to follow of the "Baron Gastone" and a final map with the Horseman of the Apocalipse.

Author: Rino - Franciacorta - Italy - email:

Released: December 2018

Tools used : QuArK 6.5, Paint Shop Pro, Pakscape, Editpad

Gameplay: single player story, in three short maps

Requirements: Hexen 2, official patch by Raven ph2v1.11

Source Ports: Hammer of Thyrion, UQE, Fteqw

Textures : Custom texture made by me

Music and Sounds: Hexen 2 - by K. Schilder

The Baron Gastone House
Caro forestiero ti trovi in un dimenticato angolo nei dintorni dell'antica modesta, oramai decrepita residenza del compianto Barone Gastone, o di quel che ne rimane. Egli fu un coraggioso nobile amante delle belle donne e della bella musica. Fu ottimo pianista e sapiente intenditore di magie antiche. Li dinanzi la adornata tomba custodisce i misteriosi resti, che si dice, abbiano la potenza di tenere rinchiusa in un grande sepolcro la forza del male oscuro. Infatti il geniale Barone prima di morire riuscì a rinchiudervi il perfido Cavaliere dell' Apocalisse. Saggiamente creò una formula magica segretamente nascosta tra le note del suo vecchio pianoforte atta a sigillare per sempre il malvagio. Ora è necessario rompere gli indugi, e prima che l'incantesimo si dissolva e tornino a regnare le tenebre, è vitale affrontare a testa alta e sconfiggere il male una volta per tutte dalla faccia della terra!
Buon divertimento!
STORY:We are in the ancient house of the Baron Gastone, he was a good brave gentleman, lover of poetry, expert in ancient magic. Skilled by the sword and excellent pianist! Was a splendid house. But was invaded and destroyed by the evil forces of Eidolon. The noble Baron man was very so much braveheart and fights hard, but unfortunately after hard battle dies. However before he died, he got a power to lock up the terrible strength of the Horseman of the apocalypse into a great sepulcher! He created an misterious power, secretly hidden among the notes of his old piano. Now it is up to you foreign!Your mission is to be able to access, and finally defeat the Horseman of the Apocalipse! Good luck, my impavid friend!

Instructions:1-unpack the file rar, The Baron Gastone House by Rino2-put thebarongastonehousebyrino folder and BaronGastoneHousebyrino.bat, in to main game directory (eg C:/Hexen2)start the game double clic on BaronGastoneHousebyrino.bat If you want use your favorite source port, open the bat file with Notepad or Editpadand change string line.

Have fun!

Download: The Baron Gastone House

Playing The Baron Gastone House by Rino - Youtube