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Papers and chapters


Carioti, D., Stefanelli, S., Masia, M. F., Giorgi, A., Del Pivo, G., Del Monte, M., Vernice, M., Berlingeri, M. (under review). The Daily Linguistic Practice Interview: a new instrument to assess language use and experience in minority-language children and their effect on reading skills. pdf

Sorace, A., Vernice, M. (2023). More than one language: cognitive perspectives and implications for language policy. In M. Gazzola, F. Grin, K, Heugh, L. Cardinal (Eds.),  The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning (pp. 172-185) . London: Routledge.

Vender, M. ,Vernice, M. (2023). Promuovere lo sviluppo bilingue nei disturbi del neurosviluppo: stato dell’arte e prospettive di ricerca. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, (2), 253–289. 

Bettoni, R., Vernice, M., Tironi, M., Lombardi, E., Offredi, I., Giorgetti, M., Lorusso, M. L., et al. (2023). Learning and Well-Being in Multilingual Adolescents with Italian as L2: A Comparison with Monolingual Peers with and without a Learning Disorder. Sustainability, 15(5), 4381.  pdf

Carioti, D., Stucchi, N. A., Toneatto, C., Masia, M. F., Del Monte, M., Stefanelli, S., Travellini, S., Marcelli, A., Tettamanti, M., Vernice, M., Guasti, M. T., & Berlingeri, M. (2023). The ReadFree tool for the identification of poor readers: a validation study based on a machine learning approach in monolingual and minority-language children. In Annals of Dyslexia. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. link


Pagliarini, E., Stucchi, N., Vernice, M., & Guasti, M. T. (2022). Reading, phonological memory and handwriting develop in parallel in the first years of school: Evidence from a cross-sectional study. Graphos. Rivista Internazionale Di Pedagogia e Didattica Della Scrittura, 1, 119–140. pdf

Carioti, D., Stucchi, N. A., Toneatto, C., Masia, M. F., Broccoli, M., Carbonari, S., Travellini, S., Vernice, M., Guasti, M.T.,  & Berlingeri, M. (2022). RAN as a universal marker of developmental dyslexia in Italian monolingual and minority language children. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.783775 pdf


Vender, M., Vernice, M., Sorace, A. (2021). Supporting bilingualism in vulnerable populations. Sustainability, 13 (24) pdf

Vernice, M., Carretti, B., Sarti, D., Traficante, D., Lorusso, M.L.(2021). Editorial: New Educational Technologies and Their Impact on Students' Well-Being and Inclusion Process. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. pdf

Lombardi, E., Traficante, D., Bettoni, R., Offredi, I., Vernice, M., Sarti, D.  (2021). Comparison on Well-Being, Engagement and Perceived School Climate in Secondary School Students with Learning Difficulties and Specific Learning Disorders: An Exploratory Study. Behavioral Science, 11, 103. pdf


Vernice, M., & Hartsuiker, R. J. (2019). Mapping thematic roles onto grammatical functions in sentence production: evidence from structural priming in Italian. J Cult Cogn Sci, 3(S1), 39–64. pdf

Lombardi, E., Traficante, D., Bettoni, R., Offredi, I., Giorgetti, M., & Vernice, M. (2019). The Impact of School Climate on Well-Being Experience and School Engagement: A Study With High-School Students. Front. Psychol., 10. pdf

Vernice, M., Matta, M., Tironi, M., Caccia, M., Lombardi, E., Guasti, M. T., Sarti, D., Lang, M. (2019). An Online Tool to Assess Sentence Comprehension in Teenagers at Risk for School Exclusion: Evidence From L2 Italian Students. Front. Psychol., 10, 2417.  pdf

Caccia, M., Giorgetti, M., Toraldo, A., Molteni, M., Sarti, D., Vernice, M., & Lorusso, M. L. (2019). ORCA.IT: A New Web-Based Tool for Assessing Online Reading, Search and Comprehension Abilities in Students Reveals Effects of Gender, School Type and Reading Ability. Front. Psychol., 10pdf

Giustolisi, B., Vernice, M., Guasti, M., Papagno, C., Cecchetto, C., Giuliani, A., et al. (2019). Narrative skills in Italian pre-school children with cochlear implants. Effects of late linguistic exposure on a late acquired domain. Lingue e Linguaggio, 18(1), 3-24. pdf

Zoppello, M., Latronico, C., Vernice, M., Balottin, U. (2019). Prove bilanciate di lettura per la classe prima della scuola primaria. Dislessia, 55-68. DOI:10.14605/DIS1611904. pdf


Vernice, M. and Pagliarini, E. (2018). Is Morphological Awareness a Relevant  Predictor of Reading Fluency and Comprehension? New Evidence From Italian Monolingual and Arabic-Italian Bilingual Children. Frontiers in Communication, 3 (11), 1-15.  doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2018.00011 pdf

Vernice, M. and Sorace, A. (2018). Animacy effects on the processing of intransitive verbs: an eye-tracking study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 33(7), 850-866. doi: 10.1080/23273798.2017.1421316 pdf


Pagliarini, E., Scocchia, L., Vernice, M., Zoppello, M., Balottin,U., Bouamama, S., Guasti, M.T., Stucchi, N. (2017). Children’s first handwriting productions show a rhythmic structure. Scientific Reports, 7, 5516. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05105-6E. pdf

Papagno, C., Comi, A., Riva, M., Bizzi, A., Vernice, M., Casarotti, A., Fava, E., Bello, L. (2017) Mapping the brain network of the phonological loop.  Human Brain Mapping, 38 (6), 3011-3024. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23569 pdf

De Carvalho Maia, J.,Vernice, M., Gelormini-Lezama, C., Lima, M.L., Almor, A. (2017). Co-referential Processing of Pronouns and Repeated Names in Italian. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46(2), 497-506. doi: 10.1007/s10936-016-9450-2 pdf

Almor, A., de Carvalho Maia, J., Cunha Lima, M.L., Vernice, M., Gelormini-Lezama, C. (2017). Language Processing, Acceptability, and Statistical Distribution: A Study of Null and Overt Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Memory and Language, 92, 98-113. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2016.06.001 pdf


Katsos, N., Cummins, C., Ezeizabarrena, MJ., Gavarró, A., Kuvač Kraljević, J., Hrzica, G., Grohmann, KK., et al. (2016). Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (33), 9244-9249. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601341113. pdf

Vernice, M., Cecchetto, C. Donati, C. Moscati, V. (2016). Relative clauses are not adjuncts: an experimental investigation of a corollary of the raising analyses. Linguistische Berichte, 246, 139-169. pdf

Papagno, C., Pisoni, A., Mattavelli, G., Casarotti, A., Comi, A., Fumagalli, F., Vernice, M., Fava, E., Riva, M., Bello, L. (2016). Specific disgust processing in the left insula: New evidence from direct electrical stimulation. Neuropsychologia, 84, 29-35. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.01.036.

Hu, S., Gavarró, A., Vernice, M., Guasti, M.T. (2016). The acquisition of Chinese relative clauses: contrasting two theoretical approaches. Journal of Child Language, 43, 1-21. doi: 10.1017/S0305000914000865.

Ferrari, C., Lega, C., Vernice, M., Tamietto, M., Mende-Siedleki, P., Vecchi, T., Todorov, A., Cattaneo, Z. (2016). The Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex Plays a Causal Role in Integrating Social Impressions from Faces and Verbal Descriptions. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 156-165. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu186.


Pisoni, A., Vernice, M., Iasevoli, L., Cattaneo, Z., Papagno, C. (2015). Guess Who? Investigating the proper names processing network by means of tDCS. Neuropsychologia, 66, 267-278. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.11.025. pdf

 Vernice, M., and Guasti, M.T. (2015). The acquisition of SV order in unaccusatives: manipulating the definiteness of the NP. Journal of Child Language, 42(1), 210-37. doi: 10.1017/S0305000913000536. pdf


Vernice, M., and Guasti, M.T. (2014). Effects of prosodic cues on topic continuity in child language production. First Language, 34(5), 406–427. doi: 10.1177/0142723714550111.

Vernice, M., Cremante, A., Clerici, F., Verri, A.P. (2014). Referential choice in the Narratives of Italian speakers with Klinefelter Syndrome. International Journal of Speech & Language Pathology and Audiology, 2(2), 81-85. pdf

Guasti, M.T., Papagno, C., Vernice, M., Cecchetto, C., Giuliani, A., Burdo, S. (2014). The effect of language structure on linguistic strengths and weaknesses in children with cochlear implants: Evidence from Italian. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35, 739-764. doi:10.1017/S0142716412000562 pdf

Lorusso M.L., Vernice, M., Brizzolara, D., Mariani, E., De Masi, S., Dieterich, M., Mele, A. (2014). The process and criteria for diagnosing specific learning disorders: indications from the Consensus Conference promoted by the Italian National Institute of Health. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 50, 77-89. doi: 10.4415/ANN_14_01_12 pdf

Volpato, F., Vernice, M. (2014). The production of relative clauses by Italian cochlear-implanted and hearing children. Lingua, 139, 39-67. pdf


Vernice, M., Arosio, F., Branchini, C., Barbieri, L., Roncaglione, E., Carravieri, E., Van der Lely, H.J.K., Guasti, M.T. (2013). CLAD-ITA GAPS: un test di screening delle abilità fonologiche e morfo-sintattiche in bambini con un Disturbo Specifico del Linguaggio. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 17, 291-314.  pdf

Papagno, C., Vernice, M., Cecchetto, C. (2013). Phonology without semantics? Good enough for verbal short-term memory. Evidence from a patient with semantic dementia. Cortex, 49, 626–636. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2012.04.015 

Rastelli, S., Vernice, M. (2013). Developing actional competence and the building blocks of telicity in L2 Italian. IRAL International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 51, 55–75. doi: 10.1515/iral-2013-000


Guasti, M.T., Branchini, C., Arosio, F., Vernice, M. (2012). A developmental study of subject and object relative clauses in Italian. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique-Romanian review of linguistics, 57, 105-116.

Vernice, M., Hartsuiker, R.J., & Pickering, M.J. (2012). Thematic emphasis in language production. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27, 631-664. doi: 10.1080/01690965.2011.572468 pdf

Gavarró Algueró, A., Guasti, M.T., Tuller, L. Prévost, P., Belletti, A., Cilibrasi, A., Delage, H., Vernice, M. (2011). The acquisition of partitive clitics in Romance five-year-olds. Iberia: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. 3(2), 1-19. ISSN: 1989‐8525 pdf

Books, chapters and Proceedings:

Guasti, M.T., Silleresi, S., Vernice, M. (2019). Imparare la lingua giocando. L'educazione multilingue da 0 a 6 anni. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.

Vernice, M. (2016). L’input per l’acquisizione della L2 in età scolare: il ruolo dell’apprendimento della lettura. In A. Valentini (Ed.) L’input per l’acquisizione di L2: strutturazione, percezione, elaborazione.(pp.133-141). Atti del Convegno CIS 2014. Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore.

Arosio, F., Vernice, M., Tenca, E., Guasti, MT (2013) Morphosyntactic and Pragmatic Competence in Children with Developmental Dyslexia and/or SLI. 35th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) University of Potsdam, Germany.

Vernice, M. (2013). La raccolta e l’analisi dei dati linguistici. (pp. 1-14). In S. Rastelli (Ed.) La ricerca sperimentale sul linguaggio: acquisizione, uso, perdita. Pavia: Pavia University Press.

Vernice, M. (2013). Children sensitivity to contrastive stress: evidence from a continuation task. (pp. 226-232) In S. Stavrakaki, P. Konstantinopoulou, M. Lalioti (Eds.) Advances in Language Acquisition. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Katsos, N., Ezeizabarrena, M.J., Gavarró Algueró, A. et al. (2012). The acquisition of quantification across languages: Some predictions (volume 2; pp 258-268). In A. K. Biller, E. Y. Chung, and A. Kimball (Eds.) Proceedings of the 26th Annual Boston University Conference on Child Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Guasti, M.T., Maggioni, A., Vernice, M. (2012). Disturbi specifici del linguaggio, bilinguismo e acquisizione di L2. (pp. 189-199). In A. Grassi (Ed.) Nuovi contesti d'acquisizione e insegnamento: l'italiano nelle realtà plurilingui, Atti del Convegno-Seminario CIS. Bergamo 12-14 giugno 2012. Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.

Peer-reviewed Conference talks:

Donati, C., Cecchetto, C., Vernice, M. (2013) The claim that linguists made. An unobserved garden path and its consequences for the theory of clausal complementation. Paper presented at IGG (Incontro di Grammatica Generative) 39, Università di Modena.

Donati, C., Cecchetto, C., Vernice, M. (2013). The Claim that Linguists Made: Testing Experimentally a Syntactic Analysis. Paper presented ad TCP 2013 (The Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics), Keio University, Giappone.

Cecchetto,C., Donati, C., Vernice, M. (2012). Relative clauses vs clausal complements of nouns: Reversing the picture. Paper presented at Going Romance 2012, Leuven, Belgium.

Cecchetto,C., Donati, C., Vernice, M. (2012). Relative clauses vs clausal complements of nouns: Reversing the picture. Paper presented at NELS, North East Linguistic Society, New York, USA.

Vernice, M. (2011). Does contrastive pitch affect children sentence continuation? Paper presented at GALA, Generative Approaches on Language Acquisition, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Guasti, M.T., Papagno, C., Vernice, M., Cecchetto, C., Giuliani, A., Burdo, S. (2010). Linguistic outcomes in early cochlear implanted children. Paper presented at NHS, Newborn Hearing Screening, Cernobbio, Italy.

Vernice, M., Hartsuiker, R.J. and Pickering, M.J. (2009). Focus priming in Language production. Paper presented at AMLaP, Barcelona, Spain. abstract.pdf

Vernice, M., and Hartsuiker, R.J. (2008). Determinants of function assignment in language production: Is conceptual accessibility enough? Paper presented at AMLaP, Cambridge, UK.

Peer-reviewed Conference posters:

Vernice, M., Guasti, M.T. (2014).Sensitivity to prosodic cues and thematich emphasis in children's sentence continuation. AMLaP, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. 

Pagliarini, E., Vernice, M., Guasti, M.T. (2013). The processing of wh-questions in Italian: evidence from an eye-tracking study. AMLaP, Marseille, France.

Vernice, M., Cecchetto, C., Donati, C. (2012). Does frequency win over syntactic complexity? Evidence from a neglected garden path. AMLaP, Riva del Garda, Italy.

Guasti, M.T., Franck, J., Rotondi, I., Vernice, M. (2012). The processing of center-embedded relative clauses in French and Italian. AMLaP, Riva del Garda, Italy.

Gelormini-Lezama, C., Maia, J. C., Vernice, M., Cunha Lima, M.L. and Almor, A. (2012). Repeated Names, Pronouns and Null Pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese and Italian. Cuny Conference on Human Sentence Processing, CUNY Graduate Center, USA.

Guasti, M.T., Arosio, F., Branchini, C., Vernice, M., Perugini, M. (2011). Production of movement derived structures in Developmental Dyslexia. Boston University conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, USA.

Vernice, M., Cremante, A., Clerici, F., Verri A.P. (2009). Syntactic competence in Klinefelter Syndrome. SSBP Society for the Study of Behavioral Phenotypes, Cambridge, UK.ssbp.pdf

Vernice, M., Branigan, H., and Pickering, M.J. (2008). Information Structure encoding level: evidence from Syntactic Priming. Cuny Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.cuny.pdf

Vernice, M., Branigan, H., and Pickering, M.J. (2007). The processing of unbounded dependencies. AMLaP, Turku, Finland.

Vernice, M. Syntactic competence in 4,5 years old Italian children. (2007). ESDP, European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany.abstract.pdf