

Community Yoga

Saturdays @ 8:00am

Instructor: Rebecca Nenno

Suggested donation $5-$10 - Vinyasa yoga is great for beginners and skeptics alike. That's because the practice is very fluid, combining poses in sequences that focus on linking breath to movement. A flow in Vinyasa is like a dance, linking each physical movement with the breath and finding flow in every pose and transition. For a lot of people, tight hips and shoulders are often the main complaint or target areas, so this class will focus a lo of legs, but intends to be well-rounded and adapted for everyone. 


Yin/Restorative Yoga

Thursdays @ 6:30pm

Instructor: Rebecca Nenno

Restorative and yin styles of yoga are great antidotes to busy, past-paced lives. Restorative yoga calms the nervous system and brings us back to our "rest and digest" state using long, passive yoga poses and oodles of props. Yin yoga is characterized by passive, long-held, floor-based yoga poses that usually focus on the spine, hips, and legs. Beyond the physical benefits of the practice, yin yoga can offer insight into the subtle body’s energy pathways or meridians. Both styles emphasize stillness, so they can also allow students to decompress from the pace of modern life, and explore their capacity to sit with and examine sensation