Soul Journey Work

It’s not uncommon to have periods of our lives where we may feel lost or uncertain, or are just seeking guidance or affirmation on our path. As an adult, we have so many different responsibilities that we are expected to juggle and maintain, such as our careers, friendships, love life, family, etc. A card reading can help to clarify and attune our intentions, realign our path, and offer confidence to make progressive decisions and take new steps.

Tarot Card Reading - $20

Tarot card reading is the practice of using a deck cards, pulling a specific number of cards with intention, to gain insight into the past, present or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards. Reading tarot cards is a type of cartomancy that originated somewhere around the late 14th or early 15th century in Northern Italy. The reading will last for about 30 minutes, and can be a broad way of interpreting one's journey through life, or can address very specific questions.

Oracle Deck Reading - $20

Oracle decks are similar to Tarot but more modern in their messages and meaning, and sometimes more thorough at defining what truth needs to be revealed in your present-day life. Rebecca will pull one card from each of three decks: The Goddess Deck, The Earth Magic Deck, and the Spirit Animal Deck. The reading will last for about 30 minutes, and can be a broad way of interpreting one's journey through life, or can address very specific questions.

Astrological Readings - $70

Astrology is the study of the stars and other celestial bodies as they relate to earth and its inhabitants. Having your birth chart explained to you can be clarifying and can offer guidance in matters with which you've been struggling. 

For nearly as long as humans have been living in societies together, they've been mystified by these far-away twinkly objects in the sky, and have been studying them for centuries. Over the course of many thousands of years, humanity's collective understanding of astrology has evolved to attribute certain traits and qualities to these bodies, especially the planets within our solar system, as they are the closest to us. Though astrology is not a science - in that it can't really be tested and proved - the system does have it's own innate logic that is actually rather complex and intuitive. 

Astrology is the study of patterns, based on a record of events that have taken place and how they relate to similar historical events astrologically. For example, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on December 21st, 2020 represents a shift in power and unified focus on communities, people, innovation and science - a rebirth of society, if you will. The last time Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct in Aquarius was January 7th, 1405, which gave birth to the Renaissance. Astrologers would NOT call this a coincidence. 

Astrology is also the compilation of years of esoteric wisdom and observations passed down through many generations of collective consciousness. The knowledge of astrology for the average person doesn't extend far beyond knowing their "sign" - which is their Sun Sign - which represents the location of the sun in proximity to the earth and other planets at the exact time they were born. But there are many other aspects, according to astrology, that play into determining the personality and life path of an individual. It gets very specific, and often is so on-point, that it may leave an unbeliever feeling "a little freaked out" at the end of a reading. But only in a good way. 

The revelations and insight you can get from having your birth chart broken down and explained to you can be life-changing, and at the very least, affirming.