Feng Shui

Holistic Designs for the Mind, Body & Soul

What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is the Chinese practice which focuses on balancing and harmonizing the home & office through the placement of rooms and the furnishings inside them, effectively enhancing mental clarity and well-being. Optimizing energy in your environment is easier than you think, and will help you move more effortlessly through your day. 

Rebecca Nenno was an architectural designer by trade. Long before her transition into the world of yoga and massage, she had a passion for architecture and design, and in 2004, obtained a bachelor's degree in Interior Design, with a minor in Art History. As fate would have it, she found herself back in the design field after a 10-year hiatus, and up until October of 2020, was working full-time for a log & timber frame company. She believes wholeheartedly in the philosophy behind Feng Shui and the balancing/de-cluttering of your space to achieve maximum well-being. Rebecca is available for a range of design services, from consultations and design advise to custom home designs for those who want to build from scratch. 

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