
Journal Paper

  1. Hsieh, M. C., Chen, S. H. (2019). Intelligence Augmented Reality Tutoring System for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), 20(5), 1673-1681. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.786]

  2. 謝旻儕、林語瑄(2017)。虛擬實境與擴增實境在醫護實務與教育之應用。護理雜誌,64(6),12–18。

  3. Kuo, Y. L., Lee, J. S., & Hsieh, M. C. (2014). Video-Based Eye Tracking to Detect the Attention Shift - A Computer Classroom Context-Aware System. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), 12(4), 66-81. [EI]

  4. Hsieh, M. C., Kuo, F. R., & Lin, H. C. K. (2014). The Effect of Employing AR Interactive Approach on Students’ English Preposition Learning Performance. Journal of Computers and Applied Science Education, 1(1), 45-60.

  5. Huang, Y. H., Lin, H. C. K., Wang, C. H., & Hsieh, M. C. (2013). Implementing an Emotion Recognition System with an Affective Agent Based on Social Web Corpora and Semantic Clues. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 7(1), 116-125. [EI]

  6. Lin, H. C. K., Hsieh, M. C., Liu, E. Z. F., & Chuang, T. Y. (2012). Interacting with Visual Poems through AR-Based Digital Artwork. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(1), 123-137. [SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.956]

  7. Lin, H. C. K., & Hsieh, M. C. (2012). The Establishment and Usability Evaluation on a Markerless AR-based Hairstyle Simulation System. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 2(2), 100-109. doi: 10.4018/ijopcd.2012040107 [EI]

  8. Lin, H. C. K., Hsieh, M. C., Loh, L. C., & Wang, C. H. (2012). An Emotion Recognition Mechanism Based on the Combination of Mutual Information and Semantic Clues. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 3(1), 19-29. doi: 10.1007/s12652-011-0086-7 [EI]

  9. Hsieh, M. C., & Lin, H. C. K. (2011). On the Implementation of a Digital Artwork for Presenting Interactive Concrete Poetry. US-China Education Review, 9(4), 932-938.

  10. Lin, H. C. K., Hsieh, M. C., Wang, C. H., Sie, Z. Y., & Chang, S. H. (2011). Establishment and Usability Evaluation of an Interactive AR Learning System on Conservation of Fish. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 181-187. [SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.016]

  11. Hsieh, M. C., & Lin, H. C. K. (2011). A conceptual study for Augmented Reality E-learning System based on Usability Evaluation. Journal of the Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering, 1(8), 5-7.

  12. Wang, C. H., Lin, H. C. K., Lai, S. L., & Hsieh, M. C. (2011). Transforming Animal Features into Game-based Learning Systems: A Case Study of a Characters Visual Design Model. Journal of the Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering, 1(8), 15-18.

  13. Hsieh, M. C., Lin, H. C. K., Lin, J. W., & Chen, M. C. (2010). The Establishment of an AR-based Interactive Digital Artworks. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 10(6), 37-46.

Conference Paper

  1. 李怡萱、陳晏渝、謝旻儕、黃明貴(2020)。擴增實境結合海洋教育之OP帆船數位內容開發。第十五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2020),新竹,台灣。科技部:108-2511-H-165-003。

  2. Hsieh, M. C., Huang G. M., Y. P. Lin, Jasperse G., & Huang C. H. (2019). Design and Development of Marine Education Materials Based on Augmented Reality. 2019 International Cognitive Cites Conference, Kyoto, Japan. MOST: 108-2511-H-165-001

  3. 許文則、周[王念]筑、謝旻儕、黃明貴 (2019)。運用擴增實境於海洋教育教材設計開發。第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2019),雲林,台灣。科技部:108-2511-H-165-001

  4. Lee J. J., Guo Z. M., Guo, Z. H., Pan, Y. W., Lin, Y. Z., & Hsieh, M. C. (2019). An Augmented Reality Game with Magic Book for Chinese Culture. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan(IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW), Jiaosi, Taiwan.

  5. 邱廼懿、謝旻儕(2018)。擴增實境應用於文創商品之設計。第九屆設計創新暨應用學術研討會 ,台南,台灣。科技部:107-2511-H-165-001。

  6. Huang, C. H., Hsieh, M. C., & Lee J. J. (2018). Employing AR Interactive Approach on Design and Promotion of the Mobile Museum of Taiwan Literature. The First International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Okinawa, Japan.

  7. 謝旻儕、李家進 (2018年03月)。擴增實境應用於數學輔助學習之研究。第十三屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2018),台中,台灣。科技部:105-2511-S-268-001。

  8. Liao, Y. W. & Hsieh, M. C. (2017). Exploring the primary school children’s air pollution environmental education learning effectiveness and air quality protection intention through augmented reality material and air quality monitor instrument. The 25th International Conference on Computers in Education, New Zealand.

  9. 謝旻儕、蘇倫可、余玳均、賴怡臻(2017)。運用擴增實境技術結合動畫敘事之產品互動設計。2017臺灣人機互動研討會(TAICHI 2017)。台南,臺灣。

  10. 林語瑄、謝旻儕、林豪鏘(2017)。微翻轉遊戲式學習應用於擴增實境定位技術輔助古蹟導覽系統。第8屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會(GCCIL 2017)。成都,中國。[最佳論文一等獎]

  11. 林語瑄、林豪鏘、謝旻儕(2017)。探討不同認知風格中結合隨境遊戲與擴增實境於廟宇導覽之應用。第二十一屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE 2017)。北京,中國。

  12. Hsieh, M. C. (2016). Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions Toward Augmented Reality Materials. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (LTLE2016) in 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2016), Kumamoto, Japan.

  13. Hsieh, M. C. (2016). Development and Evaluation of a Mobile AR Assisted Learning System for English Learning, Paper presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016), Okinawa, Japan.

  14. 謝旻儕、蔡孟君、林豪鏘(2016)。擴增實境互動遊戲於認知風格之評估。第二十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE 2016)。香港。

  15. Hsieh, M. C., Chen, Jia Chang, & Lin, H. C. K. (2015). The Study of Augmented Reality Applied to English Preposition Assisted Teaching. Paper presented at the Taiwan E-learning Forum 2015 (TWELF 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  16. Hsieh, M. C., Lin, H. C. K., & Su, Z. Y. (2015). Evaluation of Students Acceptance of Augmented Reality Assisted English Learning. Paper presented at the Fifth National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications (NCWIA2015), Ilan, Taiwan.

  17. Hsieh, M. C., Wang, C. H., Chao, C. J., & Lin, H. C. K. (2013). An English Teaching and Learning Environment Based on Augmented Reality for Junior High School Student. Paper presented at the AECT International Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research 2013 (AECT-ICFER 2013), Taichung, Taiwan.

  18. 黃信華、謝旻儕、林豪鏘(2013)。以FACEBOOK塗鴨牆文本分析情緒文字的關係。第十七屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE 2013)。北京,中國。

  19. Chiu, C. J., Lai, S. L., & Hsieh, M. C., (2012). The Study of Augmented Reality Technologies for Package Design. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design Association & The 6th International Conference of Taiwan Association of Digital Media Design (2012 ADADA & TADMD), Taichung, Taiwan.

  20. 林冠佑、陳宗佑、歐柏漢、謝旻儕、林豪鏘(2012)。行動擴增實境系統於模擬經營遊戲之研究,第八屆數位內容國際學術研討會(ICDC2012)。台南,台灣。

  21. Hsieh, M. C., Lin, H. C. K., Lin, K. Y., Ou, B. H., & Chen, T. Y. (2012). Preliminary Study of Mobile Augmented Reality Assisted Learning Tool. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012), Singapore.

  22. 林冠佑、陳宗佑、歐柏漢、謝旻儕、林豪鏘(2012)。無標記擴增實境技術應用於傢俱展示及擺設資訊回饋之研究,2012 臺灣網際網路研討會 (TANET 2012 )。桃園,台灣。

  23. 邱昭榮、謝旻儕、施健明(2012)。文化創意產業應用於整合型策略模式之研究,2012珠寶與文觀產業學術研討會。台南,台灣。

  24. 謝旻儕、林豪鏘、林宗毅、邱昭榮(2012)。擴增實境導入國小自然與生活科技課程之眼動研究,第十六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2012)。屏東,台灣。

  25. 謝旻儕、林豪鏘、林宗毅、陳眉期、王政弘、邱昭榮(2012)。擴增實境數位學習系統在國小自然學科之使用性探究,第十六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2012)。屏東,台灣。

  26. Chao, C. J., Lin, H. C. K., Wang, C. H., & Hsieh, M. C. (2011). Eye Tracking for Evaluating an AR-based Learning System on Monocotyledons/Dicotyledons. Paper presented at the 19st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2011), Chiang Mai, Thailand.

  27. Lin, H. C. K., Hsieh, M. C., & Wang, W. J. (2011). The human-like emotions recognition using mutual information and semantic clues. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on E-Learning and Games, Edutainment Technologies (Edutainment 2011), Taipei, Taiwan.

  28. 王政弘、林豪鏘、謝旻儕(2011)。運用情感運算技術融入教學系統之設計與評估-以數位藝術學習為例,第13屆全國資管博士生研討會。台北,台灣。

  29. Hsieh, M. C., Lin, H. C. K., Chang, S. H., Sie, Z. Y., & Wang, C. H. (2011). A Preliminary Study on the Usability of Interactive AR Learning System - Conservation of Fish. Paper presented at the International Educational Technology Conference 2011 (IETC2011), Istabul, Turkey.

  30. Hsieh, M. C., Lin, H. C. K., & Wang, C. H. (2011). The Study of Eyetracking and Usability Evaluation on an Augmented Reality E-learning System. Paper presented at the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011), Hangzhou, China.

  31. Hsieh, M. C., Lin, H. C. K., Wang, C. H., & Chou, S. N. (2011). Establishing an Emotion Recognition Mechanism Based on Micro Blog Corpora. Paper presented at the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011), Hangzhou, China.

  32. Wang, C. H., Lin, H. C. K., Chen, Y. C., & Hsieh, M. C. (2011). Preliminary Discussion of Affective Tutoring System - An Example on Digital Arts Learning. Paper presented at the 5th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011), Hangzhou, China.

  33. Kuo, W. L., Wang, C. H., Lin, H. C. K., Chen, Y. C., & Hsieh, M. C. (2011). Eye Movement Assessment of AR-Based Learning on Monocotyledons/Dicotyledons. Paper presented at the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011), Hangzhou, China.

  34. Wang, C. H., Lin, H. C. K., Hsieh, M. C., & Lai, S. L. (2011). The Character Design and Developing for Game-based Learning. Paper presented at the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011), Hangzhou, China.

  35. 謝旻儕、林豪鏘、王政弘、王偉哲(2011)。基於語意結構訊息之情緒辨識機制,悅趣化數位學習國際學術研討會(JEL2011)。屏東,台灣。

  36. 謝旻儕、林豪鏘、王政弘、林敬偉、陳眉期(2010)。無標記式擴增實境髮型模擬系統建置與評估,2010 Web 2.0與教育學術研討會 (ICWE 2010)。桃園,台灣。[最佳論文獎]

  37. Hsieh, M. C., & Lin, H. C. K. (2010). Employing Augmented Reality to Create Digital Artworks to Present Interactive Poem. Paper presented at the 2010 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2010), Tainan, Taiwan.

  38. 謝宗遠、林豪鏘、張世熙、謝旻儕(2010)。互動式虛擬學習系統之研究-以保育魚種為例,2010數位內容學術研討會。桃園,台灣。

  39. Hsieh, M. C., & Lin, H. C. K. (2010). Implementing an Interactive Digital Artwork Based on Concepts of Concrete Poetry. Paper presented at the 18st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2010), Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  40. Wang, C. H., Lin, H. C. K., Hsieh, M. C., & Lai, S. L. (2010). Visual Design of Characters in Game-based Learning Systems. Paper presented at the 18st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2010), Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  41. Hsieh, M. C., & Lin, H. C. K. (2010). Interaction Design Based on Augmented Reality Technologies for English Vocabulary Learning. Paper presented at the 18st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2010), Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  42. Hsieh, M. C., & Lin, H. C. K. (2010). The Establishment of the Augmented Reality Online Shopping System. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2010), Tainan, Taiwan.

  43. Tsai, I. H., Sun, R. T., Fang, R. Y., Lin, H. C. K., Hsieh, M. C., Huang, C. C., . . . Wang, J. F. (2009). Voice Semantic-Based Emotional Inference and Agent Interaction Applied in Education. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2009), Hong Kong.

  44. Hsieh, M. C., & Lin, H. C. K. (2009). The Establishment of an AR-based Interactive English Vocabulary Learning System. Paper presented at the International Conference on Digital Content 2009 (ICDC 2009), Taoyuan, Taiwan.

  45. 謝旻儕、林豪鏘(2009)。眼球追蹤系統於擴增實境電子商務網站之研究,眼動儀使用者分析與行為觀察分析研討會。台南,台灣。

  46. 謝旻儕、林豪鏘(2009)。運用擴增實境於英語字彙學習,第5屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF2009)。台南,台灣。

  47. 林豪鏘、李政宗、謝旻儕、方仁穎(2009)。運用情感運算於互動藝術之設計,2009資訊技術與產業應用研討會。台北,台灣。

  48. 謝旻儕、林豪鏘(2009)。擴增實境互動情境購物系統開發之研究,第11屆全國資管博士生研討會。嘉義,台灣。

  49. Hsieh, M. C., & Lee, J. S. (2008). AR Marker Capacity Increasing for Kindergarten English Learning. Paper presented at the International MultiConference of Engineerings and Computer Scientists 2008 (IMECS 2008).

  50. 張鳳吟、林信志、李建億、謝旻儕、吳政璋(2007)。淺談數位典藏-以國立臺南大學日文舊籍為例,第二屆數位內容管理與應用學術研討會。台南,台灣。


  1. 謝旻儕、黃凱揚(2020)。AR擴增實境輕鬆學:結合虛擬與真實的新科技應用。臺北市:深石。

  2. 謝旻儕、黃凱揚(2016)。AR擴增實境好好玩!結合虛擬與真實的新科技應用。臺北市:松崗。

  3. 謝旻儕、歐柏漢、林長信、蔡銘宏、高聖欽(2015)。Unity 3D遊戲設計從零開始。臺北市:松崗。

  4. Lin, H. C. K., Lin, C., Huang, Y. A., Jalleh, G., Hung, S. H., Hsieh, M. C., & Wang, C. H. (2012). A Preliminary Study of the Practices and Processes of B2B E-Commerce Evaluation and Benefits Realization in Taiwanese Hospitals. In T. M. Gasmelseid (Ed.), Pharmacoinformatics and Drug Discovery Technologies: Theories and Applications (pp. 110-128): IGI Global. (InfoSci-Books) (Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index)